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1. 持有相关领域的专业学位,如医学、生物科学或临床实验室科学。

2. 熟练掌握各种临床检验技术,包括血液分析、微生物学、免疫学和分子生物学等。

3. 具备良好的问题解决能力,能够分析和解释实验结果。

4. 有高度的责任心和专业道德,确保患者样本的安全和隐私。

5. 能够与医疗团队有效沟通,协助医生制定诊疗方案。





1. 实验室操作:执行常规和特殊实验室测试,如血液检查、尿液分析、组织切片等,确保结果的可靠性和准确性。

2. 数据分析:分析实验结果,识别异常值,与临床医生讨论可能的原因,提供初步的诊断建议。

3. 设备维护:保养和校准实验室设备,确保其正常运行。

4. 文件管理:记录和保存实验数据,遵守医疗记录法规,保证信息的安全和合规性。

5. 培训和发展:参加专业培训课程,提升技能,了解新的医学技术和标准。

6. 团队协作:与医生、护士和其他医疗专业人员紧密合作,提供患者护理的全面支持。

7. 安全管理:遵守生物安全规定,防止感染和交叉污染,确保患者和工作人员的安全。



第1篇 临床技术应用岗位职责

临床应用技术支持专员 application specialist 梅里埃诊断 梅里埃诊断产品(上海)有限公司,上海梅里埃诊断,梅里埃,梅里埃诊断,梅里埃诊断上海,梅里埃 1. 岗位设立的目的及目标 / primary purpose and overall objective of the job

deliver the technical service directly to end user for main products, manage and support distributors to deliver technical service for other systems, be responsible for product complaint handling implementation, work as a technical consultant in communication with customers.

promote and grow the reagents consumption of biomerieu_ products, manual(ppm, api, etest…) and automated (vitek, bta, ms, dvl, vidas/minividas, hain…) products.

assist sales technically in pre-sales part.

2. 主要职责 / main accountabilities

1 provide e_cellent technical support to the end users to make sure the proper and smooth usages of biomerieu_ products as well as do pre-sales to support kam effort;

2 work collaboratively with the team to achieve the revenue, win customer satisfaction;

3 lead by ka manager/rbms/area sales manager to implement and achieve the goals the kam projects;

4 drive reagents consumption of biomerieu_ products under the scope of kam, both manual and automated systems through 1st level and 2nd level technical supports including customers trainings, trouble shooting, workshops, total solutions and clinical promotions;

5 work as level one support for the direct service instrument, for e_ample, vitek ms, previ-isola, hain system, and application training, troubleshooting etc.; work as level two support for other systems, including but not limited to answer telephone inquiries per established guidelines and document in local database, consult with national as etc.;

6 to deliver training course to internal and e_ternal customers;

7 be involved in customer complaint handling process, including but not limited to direct and drive investigative process, review test results, request further investigations; implement corporate fa action, like acknowledge the fa event, deliver the information and get back the feedback as request etc.;

8 document all customer interactions in crm/impact system;

9 perform laboratory testing (e.g. surveys, complaint investigations, training material protocol preparations);

9 answer telephone inquiries per established guidelines and document in local database.

3. 知识、语言和经验要求 / knowledge, language and e_perience

1. bachelor degree or above major in medical e_amination

2. at least 0.5 year of hospital e_perience

3. good practice e_perience in biological/medical laboratory and good knowledge in laboratory

4. good command of english in both written and oral

5. good command of computer skill

6. good interpersonal and communication skill

第2篇 临床技术岗位职责

临床检验技术员 上海派森诺生物科技股份有限公司 上海派森诺生物科技股份有限公司,派森诺,派森诺生物,上海派森诺 岗位职责:

1. 熟悉常规的分子生物学实验操作,能够独立完成相关的分子生物学实验,例如dna提取、pcr实验、文库构建、基因组定量、上机测序等;

2. 严格执行实验室标准操作规范(sop)及实验技术操作流程,按时准确地进行实验数据的记录和整理,撰写实验报告;

3. 能正确应对实验过程出现的一些问题,及时反馈,合理处置;

4. 负责实验室日常物品的准备和实验试剂的配置;

5. 对实验室仪器、设备进行日常管理和维护。


1. 医学检验或生物学相关专业,大专以上学历,有初级临床医学检验技士或技师资格证者优先考虑;

2. 有较好的分子生物学实验基础,有二代测序等分子生物学实验工作经验者优先考虑;

3. 实验动手能力强,工作积极,认真负责,有团队精神。

第3篇 临床技术支持岗位职责

临床技术支持 1.临床医学本科以上学历。



4.中文流利, 英语可作为工作语言,能够阅读英文文献。

• plan & implement clinical training programs for sales reps, doctors and distributors sales reps.

• coordinate training schedules

• plan & implement course content

• follow-up with new sales reps periodically throughout the first year and as needed thereafter

• work in the field with sales reps as requested by regional sales managers.

• evaluate, plan, and conduct periodic training (remedial, update, new) for sales reps as requested or determined necessary.

• coordinate, plan, and implement product training program for customers.

• regular product updates for all customers

• develop and provide training programs for china distributors as requested by sbu team.

• coordinate training efforts with regional manager.

• serve as clinical and technical resource for sales reps, distributor sales reps and doctors and to attend clinical cases.

• assist in the development of educational materials for sales reps, distributor sales reps and doctors.

• coordinate & implement physician training events and continuing education programs.

• screen & edit medical journal summaries for distribution to sales reps and management. collect and disseminate relevant market information.

• attend major peripheral intervention related meetings/conferences throughout the year.

• assist regional managers or national manger with meeting coverage as needed.

• assist sales reps and regional managers with identifying reference centers.

• coordinate clinical evaluations, peer training, market research and new product launch through reference centers network.

• assist to build and support reference centers kol relationship.

• optimize reference centre network towards new product ideas collection.

• have a sound understanding of, and comply with, the cook code of conduct and company compliance requirements




4.中文流利, 英语可作为工作语言,能够阅读英文文献。

• plan & implement clinical training programs for sales reps, doctors and distributors sales reps.

• coordinate training schedules

• plan & implement course content

• follow-up with new sales reps periodically throughout the first year and as needed thereafter

• work in the field with sales reps as requested by regional sales managers.

• evaluate, plan, and conduct periodic training (remedial, update, new) for sales reps as requested or determined necessary.

• coordinate, plan, and implement product training program for customers.

• regular product updates for all customers

• develop and provide training programs for china distributors as requested by sbu team.

• coordinate training efforts with regional manager.

• serve as clinical and technical resource for sales reps, distributor sales reps and doctors and to attend clinical cases.

• assist in the development of educational materials for sales reps, distributor sales reps and doctors.

• coordinate & implement physician training events and continuing education programs.

• screen & edit medical journal summaries for distribution to sales reps and management. collect and disseminate relevant market information.

• attend major peripheral intervention related meetings/conferences throughout the year.

• assist regional managers or national manger with meeting coverage as needed.

• assist sales reps and regional managers with identifying reference centers.

• coordinate clinical evaluations, peer training, market research and new product launch through reference centers network.

• assist to build and support reference centers kol relationship.

• optimize reference centre network towards new product ideas collection.

• have a sound understanding of, and comply with, the cook code of conduct and company compliance requirements




