1. 精通cad软件:技术制图员必须熟练掌握计算机辅助设计(cad)软件,如autocad,用于创建精确的二维和三维图纸。
2. 技术理解力:需要具备良好的技术理解能力,能解读工程规范、技术规格和设计要求。
3. 细心严谨:工作需高度注重细节,确保图纸的准确性,避免因错误导致的生产延误或成本增加。
4. 沟通技巧:与项目团队有效沟通,确保图纸符合他们的需求和预期。
1. 设计绘图:根据工程师的设计概念,绘制和编辑详细的工程图纸,包括装配图、零件图和流程图。
2. 文件管理:维护和更新图纸库,确保所有图纸版本的一致性和可追溯性。
3. 协作与校对:与项目团队紧密合作,确保图纸符合项目进度和质量标准,并在必要时进行修改和更新。
4. 符号和标准遵守:遵守行业标准和公司内部的绘图规范,如iso或ansi标准。
1. 制图任务:执行日常制图任务,包括新设计的图纸制作和现有图纸的修订。
2. 技术审查:参与设计审查会议,解答关于图纸的问题,提供技术支持。
3. 效率优化:寻找提高绘图效率的方法,可能涉及软件工具的改进或工作流程的优化。
4. 培训与发展:不断学习新的绘图技术和行业标准,提升个人技能,以适应技术的快速发展。
第1篇 技术制图岗位职责
制图技术员 贵妇人 苏州贵妇人刺绣有限公司,苏州贵妇人,贵妇人,贵妇人刺绣 主要工作:
1. 根据图稿编制刺绣文件,使之在机器上生产出完整的花形
2. 确认刺绣文件的信息,填写工艺数据给生产部
3. 按照生产部门的反馈和要求,进行修改刺绣文件
4. 根据客户提供的花形,提供预估数据给业务部
5. 定期整理工艺资料,并归档
- 良好的英语沟通能力(包括读写);
- 熟练使用办公软件(word 、e_cel等),会cad制图者优先;
- 具有良好的工作态度与团队合作精神;
- 有上进心、学习能力强。
第2篇 技术制图岗位职责技术制图职责任职要求
技术制图员 宁波戴维医疗器械股份有限公司 宁波戴维医疗器械股份有限公司,戴维 1、本科及以上学历,具备较好的阅读、理解能力;
第3篇 cad技术制图岗位职责
cad technician cad 制图技术员 purpose of the position:
the 3d cad technician performs a variety of design/drafting activities including
preparing/updating installation drawings for production, preparing assembly
/manufacturing drawings and maintaining drawings.
day to day responsibilities:
prepare dimensional drawings, installation drawings and more comple_ drawings.
revise and update e_isting drawings reflecting design changes to ensure consistent
documentation of the project.
review blueprints, plans, specifications and other documentation
maintain notes, design calculations and other documentation (like drawings, bill of
materials, list of design parameters)
support mechanical engineer to deliver equipment design
oversee parts manufacturing, collaborating with vendors
associates degree or completion of a technical trade school in cad, drafting or
related field,
>; 5 years of related work e_perience: or any equivalent combination of e_perience
and training that provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities.
parts modeling and detailing e_perience in use of related software such as proe purpose of the position:
the 3d cad technician performs a variety of design/drafting activities including
preparing/updating installation drawings for production, preparing assembly
/manufacturing drawings and maintaining drawings.
day to day responsibilities:
prepare dimensional drawings, installation drawings and more comple_ drawings.
revise and update e_isting drawings reflecting design changes to ensure consistent
documentation of the project.
review blueprints, plans, specifications and other documentation
maintain notes, design calculations and other documentation (like drawings, bill of
materials, list of design parameters)
support mechanical engineer to deliver equipment design
oversee parts manufacturing, collaborating with vendors
associates degree or completion of a technical trade school in cad, drafting or
related field,
>; 5 years of related work e_perience: or any equivalent combination of e_perience
and training that provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities.
parts modeling and detailing e_perience in use of related software such as proe