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dv(data validation)岗位,也称为数据验证专员,是数据管理领域中的关键角色,主要负责确保组织内收集、存储和分析的数据准确、完整且符合业务需求。


1. 精通数据处理流程,具备扎实的数据分析基础。

2. 熟练掌握sql等数据库查询语言,能够高效提取和整理数据。

3. 具备良好的统计学知识,理解数据分布、异常值检测等概念。

4. 对业务流程有深入理解,能识别数据质量问题的潜在来源。

5. 注重细节,具有高度的责任心和问题解决能力。

6. 良好的沟通技巧,能有效地与业务团队和技术团队协作。


dv岗位的主要任务是确保数据的准确性,以支持决策制定和业务运营。这包括但不限于: - 设计和实施数据验证规则,确保数据录入的一致性和完整性。 - 监控数据质量,定期进行数据清洗和修复工作。 - 分析数据异常,识别潜在的数据错误或遗漏,并追踪至源头进行修正。 - 协助开发和维护数据质量报告,为管理层提供决策依据。 - 参与数据治理项目,推动数据标准和最佳实践的落地。


1. 数据核查:执行数据一致性检查,对比不同数据源,确保数据的一致性。

2. 异常处理:发现并分析数据异常,与相关部门协调解决,防止错误数据影响业务决策。

3. 数据清理:对无效、重复或错误的数据进行清洗,提升数据的可用性。

4. 工具应用:运用数据验证工具,自动化数据质量检查,提高工作效率。

5. 流程改进:参与优化数据收集和处理流程,减少数据错误的发生。

6. 培训与指导:为团队成员提供数据质量管理培训,提升整个组织的数据素养。

7. 沟通协调:与it部门合作解决技术问题,与业务部门沟通理解数据需求,确保数据质量满足业务需求。



第1篇 dvb测试工程师职位描述与岗位职责任职要求











第2篇 advisory - financial service - risk & compliance - manager岗位职责要求



provide compliance, internal control, internal audit related advisory services to financial institution clients and other market members in industries such as banking, insurance, securities, asset management and other financial services;

develop risk management solutions and maintain productive working relationships with client management, and a commitment to client satisfaction;

utilize technology and tools to continually learn and innovate, share knowledge with team members and enhance service delivery;

leverage ideas from other project engagements to enhance knowledge and create efficiencies;

guide the team in the development of cost-effective and practical recommendations for improvement and monitor engagement economics;

participate in the career and performance development by serving as a career counselee or counselor, such as training new staff and providing timely and specific performance feedback, and foster teamwork and innovative thinking;

generate new business opportunities. understand ernst & young and its service lines; understand the clients industry and recognize key performance drivers; identify opportunities to introduce ernst & youngs services; gain acceptance on a wide variety of issues impacting the client.


university graduates with a minimum of 5 years for seniors preferably with e_perience in compliance or risk management function in corporate or consulting firms;

solid knowledge in cbrc, circ, csrc regulatory requirement, e.g.: enterprise risk management, operational risk and anti-money laundry;

able to interact effectively with both management and clients;

e_cellent command of spoken and written english and chinese;

professional qualification such as cfa, frm, and cicpa will be an advantage;

traveling within prc is required.

第3篇 fso advisory - pi, strategy & customer - manager岗位职责要求


job description

this position focuses on strategy and operation transformation consulting services for financial services institutions. he/she will lead a proposal team or project team to deliver our value to client, as the leading consultant and project/engagement manager.

proposal development – as engagement leader

• understand clients business issues and formulate solutions

• bring ey’s suite of offerings to meet our clients’ long- and short-term needs

• support to make out and negotiation the project scope and approach with client

project deliver –perform as project manager

• organize internal and e_ternal resources to meet projects needs, by supports of senior leaders

• utilize structured problem solving to develop work plans and approaches

• apply consulting methodology and industry knowledge to solve specific issues in project and meet clients stratification level

• run the daily work of project management on site

• control communications with internal and e_ternal stakeholders

client relationship management

• develop and maintain trusted relationships with both working level and management level across the client organization during project proposing and delivering

practice building

• identify and begin developing e_pertise in specific practice specialty areas in fsi, such as retail banking, wealth management, private banking , corporate banking, etc.

• provide coaching and mentoring to analysts, consultants and senior consultant

• participant solution marketing and team building

basic qualifications

• above 5 year prior working e_perience in global consulting firm and/or leading fs institution, preferably combined e_periences both of consulting firm and fs institution

• e_perience of leading a strategy and business transformation consulting project or a sub project under a mega project

• industry knowledge on banking/insurance/capital market, preferable on wealth management, retail banking, corporate banking, sme banking, etc.

• e_perience in retail branch transformation, such as branch sales & marketing process, vip client management, etc.

wealth management & private banking knowledge & e_perience

• specialist in some strategy and business transformation offerings, e.g.: crm strategy, bpr, operating model & organization strategy, etc.

• bachelor degree, mba preferred

• ability to travel frequently is required

professional skill requirements

• communications skill with significant e_perience impacting clients (e.g. strong relationships, influence over direction) and value creation.

• consulting sales and proposal development e_perience

• demonstrated ability to guide and manage strategic business transformation

• development of growth and/or business strategies with associated analyses

• research, analysis and insight development

• solution development and ability to lead a project

• understanding of aspects of business management including financial analysis and strategic evaluation

• structured problem solving, including the ability to conduct root-cause analysis and business process redesign

• structured/effective communication

• strong leadership

• e_cellent teamwork

• results orientation / self-directed — ability to drive change in unstructured environment

• fluent mandarin and good spoken and written english skills

第4篇 dvb硬件岗位职责


第5篇 fso advisory - pi, strategy & customer – senior岗位职责要求


[position] advisory - fso- pi - strategy & customer – senior

job description

this position focuses on strategy and operation transformation consulting services for financial services institutions. he/she will join proposal team and project team to deliver our value to client, as a sophisticated solution consultant.

• proactively navigate within the organization to seek support and resource needed for the job

• conduct business research in market, industry, competitor, product, services, etc.

• support client strategy planning or reviewing

• organize workshop and facilitate focused discussion

• produce work products and lead a small team of 3-4 members to deliver assignment with limited manager’s guidance, both during business development and project delivering

• communicate and manage client e_pectations

basic qualifications

• above 3 year prior working e_perience in global consulting firm and/or leading fs institution

• industry knowledge on banking/insurance/capital market, preferable on retail banking, wealth management, person loan, and credit card

• specialist in some business kpi and data analysis, be familiar with data analysis tools, such as sas, spss, etc..

• bachelor degree, computer science preferred

• ability to travel frequently is required

professional skill requirements

• research, analysis and insight development

• solution development and ability to lead a small project or a project module.

• understanding of aspects of business management including financial analysis and strategic evaluation

• structured problem solving, including the ability to conduct root-cause analysis and business process redesign

• structured/effective communication

• strong communication skills

• e_cellent teamwork

• results orientation / self-directed — ability to drive change in unstructured environment

• fluent mandarin and good spoken and written english skills

第6篇 fso advisory - banking assets & liabilities management mgr / sr岗位职责要求


key responsibilities:

• liquidity risk stress test

• liquidity risk var modeling

• behavioral models

• interest risk management consulting

• monte carlo var & ear for alm


provide strategic sourcing services related to regulatory compliance, anti-money laundering (aml), corporate governance, enterprise risk management, internal controls and internal audit, to our clients in financial services (fs) industry

assist organizations to maintain effective and efficient controls, in order to manage organizational and strategic risks

provide advisory services to functional management and audit committee on business risk profile and status or trend of related business internal controls

conduct internal audits and special reviews on comple_ or high risk sites, in multiple disciplines across the business

qualifications, education and certification

to qualify, candidates must have:

university graduate with a minimum of 3 – 5 years of relevant working e_perience:

with banking, insurance, securities, investment banking, or other financial institutions; or

with regulatory bodies, such as the securities and future commissions of hong kong (sfc) and hong kong monetary authority (hkma), or as a regulator in financial institutions

with other accounting / consulting firms

familiar with regulatory requirements for financial services industry

familiar with the businesses and the operational workflow

familiar with consulting methodologies and requirements

relevant professional qualifications, including certified public accountant (cpa), certified internal auditor (cia) and so on, are preferred

working e_perience in internal audit, compliance or risk department is highly preferred

logical thinker, analytical with good planning and organizational skills

strong presentation skills and proficiency in the use of powerpoint, word and e_cel

e_cellent command of spoken and written english and chinese. mandarin is an advantage

第7篇 学习顾问 study advisor岗位职责要求




• 了解学员的学习情况;

• 在外教协助下撰写学生的学习进度报告和课业规划报告;

• 收集外教的排课需求,根据外教和学员的时间安排课程;

• 处理外教请假或临时调课等突发情况。

• 负责外教每月课时统计以及薪资核算,并每月对外教利用率进行统计


• 向家长反馈学员学习情况,提交学习进度报告和课业规划;

• 提前沟通了解家长的增减课要求,并及时通知相关排课人员和外教老师;

• 了解家长对中心的意见和建议,及时反馈给中心,并与外教交流改善教学质量或课堂纪律,充分向家长宣导中心政策以免产生误解等不良情况;

• 处理家长投诉退费以及其他突发状况,提高家长满意度,促进续课比率;

• 向家长介绍其他相关适宜课程,促进课程销售。


• 给新学员做入门指导,帮助学生快速了解必益学院,进入学习状态;

• 负责根据学生的需求选择最合适的外教老师,并在系统上排课

• 与学生交谈,了解学生对课程的满意和接受程度,针对学生的学习方法、学习进度和学习内容进行个性化的跟进服务。


• 负责跨部门的沟通和协调事宜;

• 面临学员、家长和外教老师的任何变动情况的时候,及时通知部门相关人员,如遇无法解决的问题,及时向中心总监汇报;

• 定期参与中心会议,了解中心业务情况,培养团队精神。

• 负责外教资料管理并对外教进行面试。


• 本科及以上学历;

• 英文听说读写优秀,在工作中可用英文精准沟通,语法错误少;

• 海外留学背景优先

• 较强的解决问题能力,能从多个维度有逻辑的提供解决方案;

• 优秀的人际沟通技巧,情商高;

• 热爱教育事业,愿意长期致力于教育行业;

• 能够适应周末工作,周一到周五休两天;

• 有相关工作经验者优先。

第8篇 study advisor - 学习顾问岗位职责要求







1. 定期跟外籍教师沟通





2. 定期回访学生家长






3. 定期与学员交流



4. 负责中心内部的协调工作和跨部门的沟通工作















the study advisor is mainly responsible for the communication, coordination, customer service and contact the foreign teachers. core responsibilities as follows:

•communicate regularly with foreign teachers

oupdate students’ learning situation.

owrite the students progress report and academic planning report with the help of foreign teachers.

oarrange the courses according to the foreign teachers’ and students’ schedule.

odeal with une_pected situations, such as foreign teachers leave or temporary transfer

•visit students’ parents regularly

osubmit the feedback of students’ learning situation, study progress report and lesson plan to the parents.

ocommunicate in advance with parents about the changes in lesson requirements; meanwhile, inform the relevant course staff and foreign teachers promptly.

ocomprehend parents’ opinions and suggestions on the center, timely give the feedback back; meanwhile, communicate with the foreign teacher about improving the teaching quality.

odeal with the complaints and refund from parents or other emergencies, improve the customer satisfaction and promote the continued class ratio.

ointroduce other appropriate courses to parents to promote curriculum sales.

•communicate with the students regularly

odo the orientation for the new students, help them understand be education and get into learning stage quickly.

ocommunicate with students, understand students’ satisfaction and acceptance of the course, and provide customized follow-up service according to students’ learning methods, learning progress and learning content.

•responsible for internal coordination and inter departmental communication.

oresponsible for cross department communication and coordination.

onotify the relevant departments and staffs timely in the event of any changes in the circumstances of the trainees, parents and foreign teacher; and report to the director of tuition in case the problem cannot be solved.

oattend central meeting regularly, understand the situation of center business, and foster the team spirit.


a successful candidate has:

•bachelors degree or above.

•good command of english in listening, speaking, reading and writing.

•e_cellent and accurate communication skills in english in work with less grammatical mistakes.

•good appearance and temperament, please provide personal photos.

•able to work on weekend, two days off during monday to friday.

•relevant working e_perience is preferred.

a successful candidate be:

•strong problem solving ability, able to provide logical solutions from multiple dimensions.

•e_cellent communication skills and high eq.

•provide high quality professional services to high-end customers.

•love education, willing to long-term commitment to the education industry.

第9篇 clientadvisor客户顾问(第三方合同)岗位职责职位要求



- to perform all sales activities related to all products including jewellery, watches and accessories


- seek and create opportunities to build a loyal clientele


- quick to learn new information on jewellery, watches and accessories


- take in charge items to repair requirements from customers and communicate with after sales service department


- ensure store environment is maintained according to corporate standards (visual merchandising, cleanliness etc.)



- good command of english in both written and spoken is preferred


- at least 3 years working e_perience in lu_ury retail, focusing on jewellery, watches, leather goods is preferred


- familiar with daily retail store operation procedure


- customer service oriented


- quick learning, diligent, active, responsible, team work spirit, integrity and commitment


- strong communication, presentation and interpersonal skills


- good appearance and gesture, friendly and pleasant personality







第10篇 dvr软件工程师岗位职责

c++软件工程师 dvr/nvr 同为数码 深圳市同为数码科技股份有限公司,同为数码,同为股份 岗位职责:






2、熟练掌握c/c++语言,熟悉三个开发环境之一windows(vs)、linu_ (qt)、嵌入式linu_

3、熟悉以下二个开发调试工具之一: linu_(qt、gdb)、嵌入式gdb,熟悉shell环境下的常用命令





第11篇 rpa deployment consultant, advisory岗位职责描述岗位要求



- work closely with subject matter e_perts and client resources to analyze, design business process and implement rpa solutions

- develop, test and implement in-scope automation processes based on rpa tools

- work closely with customers and business team during the rpa implementation and deployment

- poc implementation with business team to support rfi / rfp


- background in computer science or information management desired. basic programming skills and knowledge are a plus

- automation e_perience with rpa tool - uipath or blue prism or automation anywhere or workfusion is a plus but not a must

- 1-3 years it project working e_perience

- e_perience in working in a dynamic agile project delivery environment is a plus

- strong analytical, problem-solving and synthesizing skills

- strong communication and coordination skills

- travel at customer site is acceptable for the deployment

- base in shanghai

第12篇 clientadvisor客户顾问(虹桥尚嘉中心店)岗位职责职位要求



- to perform all sales activities related to all products including jewellery, watches and accessories


- seek and create opportunities to build a loyal clientele


- quick to learn new information on jewellery, watches and accessories


- take in charge items to repair requirements from customers and communicate with after sales service department


- ensure store environment is maintained according to corporate standards (visual merchandising, cleanliness etc.)



- good command of english in both written and spoken is preferred


- at least 3 years working e_perience in lu_ury retail, focusing on jewellery, watches, leather goods is preferred


- familiar with daily retail store operation procedure


- customer service oriented


- quick learning, diligent, active, responsible, team work spirit, integrity and commitment


- strong communication, presentation and interpersonal skills


- good appearance and gesture, friendly and pleasant personality







第13篇 dvb硬件工程师岗位职责


第14篇 security advisor, psu security support group-ssg安全专员岗位职责描述岗位要求



-onsite security support during operational project, coordinating third party security support, securing clients during transportation and while on site. advisory to client management on best practices during challenging situation

-assisting psu project manager to complete operational needs connected to projects


-3 years working e_perience related to security functions

-3 years driving e_perience,driving license is required

-age 25 to 35

-basic communication skill in english,

-basic computer skills

-good learning capacity with a strong team working spirit

-prepared to travel

-familiar with security and fire protection responsibilities and processeswill be an advantage

what do we offer you

•-a strong and tight team with fle_ible team players all with strong interpersonal skills.

•-a creative and stimulating working environment with diverse working tasks.

•- possibility to develop by internal as well as e_ternal resources.

•- competitive salary package connected to your background, e_perience and actual contribution.






- 3年以上安全相关工作经验

- 持有驾照并具备3年以上驾驶经验

- 年龄23至35周岁

- 基本的英语对话及电脑操作能力

- 良好的学习能力和团队精神

- 适宜出差安排

- 熟悉安保及消防岗位职责及流程优先

- 具有安全背景调查相关工作经验的优先

- 有军队/警局 或行业相关工作经验优先






第15篇 dvd工程师岗位职责


1. 根据新产品要求设计软件;

2. 新产品项目的整体进度配合;

3. 及时对所设计软件进行测试验证;

4. 设计文件的及时输出,bin文件,操作说明,生产文件以及客户所需文件;

5. 配合客户所提出的要求。





3、熟悉计算机操作,熟练操作办公软件如:word/ e_cel/ power point及outlook ,mtk和sunplus dvd方案等;










第16篇 dvd软件工程师岗位职责


1. 根据新产品要求设计软件;

2. 新产品项目的整体进度配合;

3. 及时对所设计软件进行测试验证;

4. 设计文件的及时输出,bin文件,操作说明,生产文件以及客户所需文件;

5. 配合客户所提出的要求。





3、熟悉计算机操作,熟练操作办公软件如:word/ e_cel/ power point及outlook ,mtk和sunplus dvd方案等;










第17篇 assistant manager, pmo, advisory岗位职责描述岗位要求


the kpmg delivery centre (kdc) is a shared service centre which employs a cost-effective, efficient approach to the delivery of front- and back-office support services within kpmg china.


- perform compliance review of various e_penses types and demonstrate professional scepticism

- identify non-compliance issues and be able to perform review, evaluate and consolidate in reporting format

- prepare the weekly / monthly report in a timely and logical manner

- fle_ible to deal with project changes as the project team leader

- monitor project progress in order to ensure work are delivered with high quality and on time

- be able to perform data analysis and identify pattern / trends and anything unusual

- ability to initiate liaison with other relevant stakeholders to support the project

- attend and host the monthly meeting with the client to report and discuss the observations

- lead the team and able to provide insights on different cases where possible

basic requirements

- bachelor’s degree

- at least three years related working e_perience

- project management and leadership skills

- fluent writing and verbal communication in both english and mandarin

- ability to prioritize tasks and multi-task

- responsibilities and accountabilities as team leader

- ms office

第18篇 translator/analyst-forensic advisory services岗位职责描述岗位要求


duties and responsibilities

1.conduct integrity (“reputational”) due diligence reports for clients in different industries;

2.perform all kinds of research projects using the information obtained from the public domain and other sources;

3.initiate reviews for various purposes such as aml / kyc compliance and third party management;

4.participate into any other tasks as required, including investigation, risk assessment, anti-bribery & corruption compliance and fcpa review, with tasks in performing analysis, conducting interviews, electronic data review, identifying issues, drafting reports, and communicating with team management and clients;

5.assist partners/managers with the creation and development of proposals;

6.confident in working independently on own tasks and creating quality work products.

skills and specifications

1 e_cellent research & analytical skills;

2 detail oriented and the ability to detect and analyze comple_ risks;

3 tenacity and ingenuity in the pursuit of sources;

4 ability to handle large volumes of information;

5 ability to work to deadlines;

6 ability to work as part of a team;

7 ability to accept feedback as a learning opportunity;

8 ability to build and maintain good working relationships;

9 positive outlook on change, self-motivated, fle_ible and adaptable;

10 education to bachelor’s degree level;

11 fluency in chinese and english; knowledge of other languages is an advantage.


第19篇 manager - procurement advisory岗位职责描述岗位要求



managers are responsible for managing the deliverables engagements and contributing to business development working on prospective clients. they ensure client satisfaction and quality deliverables consistent with kpmg methodology and standards, as well as developing and supporting the team assigned to the engagements.

delivery of client engagements

- work with a team of professionals to perform high quality advisory projects and help identify performance/process improvement opportunities for clients

- work with/supervise staff on assigned engagements/tasks

- working within the budget and overall financial target of the project to ensure goals are met

- managing single projects to achieve project goals and ensure that deliverables are met on time, accurately and within scope

- identifying and proposing relevant solutions for client projects

- providing the infrastructure support to ensure that client invoicing is done accurately and timely

- monitoring client satisfaction and find ways to improve as needed

business development

- participate in identification, qualifying, selling and materializing new engagements

- support development of proposals based on specific client requirements

- seeking opportunities to present kpmg services to up sell within current and potential clients

- maintain up-to-date knowledge of latest developments and methods in procurement, both locally in china and globally

- assist partners in organizing and delivering procurement advisory related marketing events

practice development

- establish and enhance internal and e_ternal relationships

- managing staff and creating a positive work environment as well as the performance culture, through goal setting, regular performance review, coaching and mentoring

- role model kpmg values, maintain the high standard on all the disciplines of advisory practice and hold the others the same

- support the further development of the procurement team

e_perience and knowledge

- procurement knowledge and project management e_perience

- a minimum of 6 years’ e_perience in management consultancy or with a blue chip company with demonstrable e_perience in at least four of the following:

- procurement process optimization

- run / implement category management

- procurement technology implementation (ariba, coupa, ivalua, sap mm, etc)

- conduct cost reduction projects

- procurement transformation / organizational improvement work

- financial supply chain management solutions (e.g. hedging, rating of supply chain partners, supply chain financing)

- supply chain / supplier risk analysis

- set-up / improve supplier management systems

- industry e_perience should include manufacturing industries, banking, finance, insurance, and telecommunications

- we require all candidates to have a fle_ible, creative and innovative approach to problem solving and possess strong interpersonal and communication skill

- 2-3 years project management e_perience is required in order to lead a team towards a common target

- the ideal candidate should be self-confident and should have first e_perience in business development

overall qualities

- have a fle_ible, creative and innovative approach to problem solving and possess strong interpersonal and communication skill as well as strong analytical and consulting skills

- proven business development skills and strong leadership skills

- ability to lead client, internal and e_ternal organizations through comple_ transformation analysis and implementation

- ability to communicate with both e_ecutives and staff in an effective and timely manner

- ability to work independently in a self-managed, virtual environment

- ability to understand underlying business issues and influence client’s thinking and decision-making

- strong initiative and results oriented

education and professional certifications

- bachelor’s degree (or above), preference in engineering, mechanical, electrical, chemical or logistics, supply chain management background

- preferably: master’s degree in management related subjects

other requirements

- fluent in both written and oral english and mandarin (putonghua )

第20篇 senior business analyst, it advisory岗位职责描述岗位要求


job description

- precisely capture financial shared service business problems, value drivers, and functional/non-functional requirements, usability, data, and supportability considerations

- translate business requirements into functionality and assess the risks, feasibility, opportunities, and business impacts of various solution options

- assess and model processes, data flows, and technology to understand the current value and issues, and identify opportunities for improvement

- create clear documentation to communicate requirements and related information; keep updated to align with the solution over the project lifecycle

- ensure traceability of requirements from business needs and requirements, through testing and scope changes, to final solution

- interact with software suppliers, designers and developers to understand software limitations, deliver elements of system and database design, and ensure that business requirements and use cases are handled

- configure and document software and processes, using agreed standards and tools

- create acceptance criteria and validate that solutions meet business needs through defining and coordinating testing

- initiate, plan, e_ecute, monitor, and control business analysis activities on projects within agreed parameters of cost, time and quality

- understand and stay abreast of relevant architectures and technologies related to a business area. research potential solutions and innovative ideas. guide and manage interactions with technology vendors

skills & requirements

- understanding of systems engineering concepts and data / process analysis and modeling

- ability to take a systematic and analytical approach to problem solving and pay close attention to detail

- e_perience analyzing the alignment between business requirements and system capabilities

- strong interpersonal and influencing skills

- ability to communicate concisely and clearly

- finance e_perience is preferred knowledge

- good knowledge on finance is an added advantage

- typical years of e_perience: 3 to 5 years of corporate it e_perience

- minimum education or certification: 4-year degree related to it or finance




