1. 持有合法的医师执业证书,专业方向为儿科。
2. 具备扎实的儿科理论基础和临床技能,能够独立进行儿科常见病、多发病的诊断和治疗。
3. 熟悉儿科疾病的预防、早期识别和急症处理,能应对儿科各种复杂病情。
4. 了解儿童生长发育规律,能针对不同年龄段的儿童提供个性化的健康指导。
5. 具备良好的沟通技巧,能与患儿家属建立信任关系,解释病情和治疗方案。
6. 有团队协作精神,能与护士、实习生和其他医生有效合作,共同提升儿科诊疗水平。
7. 注重医学伦理,尊重患者权益,遵守医疗法规和行业规范。
1. 诊断和治疗:对儿科患者进行全面评估,准确诊断疾病,制定并执行合理的治疗计划。
2. 应急处理:迅速应对儿科急症,如发热、呼吸困难、惊厥等,保证生命安全。
3. 病房管理:管理儿科病房,监测住院儿童的病情,调整治疗方案,参与查房和病例讨论。
4. 健康宣教:向家长普及儿童健康知识,提供疾病预防和健康管理建议。
5. 科研与教学:参与医学研究,发表学术论文,培养实习医生和下级医师,推动医学进步。
6. 团队协作:与儿科护士、专家顾问、心理咨询师等多学科团队合作,提供全方位的医疗服务。
7. 伦理与法规:遵循医学伦理和法律法规,尊重患者隐私,维护患者权益。
第1篇 新生儿科主治医师岗位职责
儿科/新生儿科主治医师 海亮 海亮集团有限公司,海亮,海亮集团,海亮 06儿科/新生儿科主治医师(1人)
1、 临床医学或儿科学专业,本科或以上学历,具有主治医师专业技术职称,证件齐全,可变更注册;
2、 8年以上工作经验,具有三级医院儿科或新生儿科相关岗位经历者优先;
3、 具有良好的儿科或新生儿科学术功底,熟悉儿科/新生儿科工作流程,具有熟练的新生儿抢救、心肺复苏、气管插管、呼吸机使用实际操作经验,熟悉儿科常见疾病的诊治;
4、 具有良好的责任心、职业道德、团队合作、沟通协调能力。
第2篇 儿科主治医师岗位职责任职要求
pediatrician 儿科医生(普儿、中级职称、主治医师/医师) 爱博恩妇产 广州爱博恩妇产医院有限公司,爱博恩妇产医院 job description职位描述
1、负责儿童客户的常见病、多发病的诊断与治疗,对客户进行认真检查、诊断、治疗和处理;1. to be responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of common and frequently-occurring diseases in childrens clients and for the careful e_amination, diagnosis, treatment and treatment of clients;
2、参与儿童客户的预防保健咨询、基础儿童保健工作;participation in preventive health counselling and basic child health care for childrens clients;
3、参与儿科诊疗规范的制定和实施、转诊流程的设计;to participate in the development and implementation of paediatric protocols and the design of referral processes;
4、参与并服从科室正常排班,参加医生会议及病例讨论;participation in and submission to the normal schedule of the department, participation in medical conferences and case discussions;
5、为科室经营方向和诊疗科目的拓展提出建设性意见;propose constructive suggestions for the development of management direction and clinical subjects in departments;
6、配合并执行科室安排的工作职责。cooperate with and carry out the duties assigned by the section.
1、具有良好的服务意识、责任心和亲和力;较强的沟通应变能力;have a good sense of service, sense of responsibility and affinity; strong communication ability;
2、儿科学相关专业本科及以上学历;医师/主治医师等职称,有执业医师证资格证;bachelor degree or above in pediatrics; the doctor is the attending physician and so on the title, has the practice physician certificate qualification certificate;
3、英语流利,熟悉中文,3年以上二甲及以上医院专科或涉外儿科诊所工作经验优先考虑;fluent in english and familiar with chinese, with more than 3 years of e_perience in serie a or above hospitals or in foreign paediatric clinics;
第3篇 儿科主治医师岗位职责
pediatrician 儿科医生(普儿、中级职称、主治医师/医师) 爱博恩妇产 广州爱博恩妇产医院有限公司,广州爱博恩妇产医院,新生爱博恩,爱博恩国际妇产中心,爱博恩妇产医院 job description职位描述
1、负责儿童客户的常见病、多发病的诊断与治疗,对客户进行认真检查、诊断、治疗和处理;1. to be responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of common and frequently-occurring diseases in childrens clients and for the careful e_amination, diagnosis, treatment and treatment of clients;
2、参与儿童客户的预防保健咨询、基础儿童保健工作;participation in preventive health counselling and basic child health care for childrens clients;
3、参与儿科诊疗规范的制定和实施、转诊流程的设计;to participate in the development and implementation of paediatric protocols and the design of referral processes;
4、参与并服从科室正常排班,参加医生会议及病例讨论;participation in and submission to the normal schedule of the department, participation in medical conferences and case discussions;
5、为科室经营方向和诊疗科目的拓展提出建设性意见;propose constructive suggestions for the development of management direction and clinical subjects in departments;
6、配合并执行科室安排的工作职责。cooperate with and carry out the duties assigned by the section.
1、具有良好的服务意识、责任心和亲和力;较强的沟通应变能力;have a good sense of service, sense of responsibility and affinity; strong communication ability;
2、儿科学相关专业本科及以上学历;医师/主治医师等职称,有执业医师证资格证;bachelor degree or above in pediatrics; the doctor is the attending physician and so on the title, has the practice physician certificate qualification certificate;
3、英语流利,熟悉中文,3年以上二甲及以上医院专科或涉外儿科诊所工作经验优先考虑;fluent in english and familiar with chinese, with more than 3 years of e_perience in serie a or above hospitals or in foreign paediatric clinics;