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1. 具备扎实的工程学知识,特别是在机械、电气或自动化领域。

2. 熟悉工厂生产流程和设备操作,能够迅速识别并解决技术问题。

3. 拥有良好的项目管理和组织能力,以协调资源,保证生产计划的顺利实施。

4. 能够遵守安全规定,确保工作环境的安全性。

5. 具备良好的沟通技巧,能有效地与团队成员、供应商和管理层交流。

6. 对持续改进和优化生产过程有热情,追求卓越的生产效率和产品质量。



1. 设备维护与管理:定期检查工厂设备,进行预防性维护,确保设备的正常运转,减少因故障导致的生产中断。

2. 工艺优化:分析生产数据,识别瓶颈,提出并实施改进措施,提高生产效率和产品质量。

3. 项目实施:参与新设备引进、生产线改造等项目,负责项目的执行和跟踪,确保按时完成。

4. 安全监督:确保所有操作符合安全标准,及时处理安全隐患,防止事故的发生。

5. 技术支持:为生产线员工提供技术支持,解决操作中遇到的技术问题。

6. 成本控制:评估生产成本,寻找降低成本的途径,实现经济效益最大化。


1. 设计与改进:参与新产品的生产工艺设计,优化现有流程,提升生产效率。

2. 培训与指导:对员工进行设备操作和安全规程的培训,提高团队整体技术水平。

3. 质量控制:监控产品质量,制定和执行质量保证程序,确保产品符合客户要求。

4. 协调合作:与采购部门协作,确保设备配件和原材料的及时供应。

5. 应急响应:制定应急预案,应对突发情况,快速恢复正常生产。

6. 环保合规:确保生产活动符合环保法规,降低对环境的影响。



第1篇 数字化工厂工程师岗位职责

digital factory application development engineer 数字化工厂应用开发工程师 西门子 西门子(中国)有限公司,西门子,西门子 introduction

we are currently looking for a digital factory application development engineer for gas turbine factory digitalization in siemens corporate technology.

what are my responsibilities?

the candidate will work as an application development engineer in the technical area of mechanical manufacturing digitalization. the candidate will dig out the needs from business units, put forward innovation projects, discuss the projects with customers, and accomplish the projects in time.

- technology research (literature survey, patent search, product review) in the area of digital manufacturing.

- fast web app prototype development with html, python, mysql, apache architecture to meet customer requirements in

factory digitalization application development.

- responsible for data modeling and business case analysis on cnc production and maintenance.

- technical communication and alignment with different siemens departments on factory digitalization related topics

what do i need to qualify for this job?

- master degree and above in mechanical engineering, automation engineering or equivalent

- e_cellent c/c++/c# programming skills

- e_cellent html/sql/java/python programming skills

- good knowledge of mechanical manufacturing process

- good knowledge of agile development process of b/s architecture

- basic knowledge of factory production management

- familiar with systematic idea generation method, solid performance on thinking out of bo_ and problem solving

- good communication skills, fluent in both chinese and english

what else do i need to know?

with over 1,900 research operatives worldwide, the corporate technology department occupies a special position within siemens r&d facilities. it functions as an international network of e_pertise and as a global partner for innovations. through its r&d activities in germany, the usa, the uk, china, india, russia and japan, corporate technology helps secure the companys technological future and bolster its competitiveness.

our product & service innovation global business field fosters world-class product and service innovations. among other things, it focuses on developing new business opportunities, optimizing and safeguarding business, and providing support in the positioning as a trendsetting company. our research team concentrates primarily on optimizing portfolios and processes, detecting and implementing trends, enhancing e_pertise, promoting innovations, and e_panding the service business.

第2篇 工厂工程师岗位职责

工厂生产支持工程师 黑芝麻智能科技(上海)有限公司 黑芝麻智能科技(上海)有限公司,黑芝麻智能,黑芝麻 •岗位职责












