1. 具备良好的组织协调能力和沟通技巧,能有效处理内部和外部的关系。
2. 熟悉生产流程,了解基本的生产管理知识,能够协助解决生产中遇到的问题。
3. 能够熟练使用办公软件,如excel、word等,以进行数据整理和报告编制。
4. 具有高度的责任心和执行力,能在压力下保持工作质量和效率。
5. 对企业规章制度有清晰理解,能严格执行并推动执行。
生产行政助理的角色是连接生产部门与公司其他部门的桥梁,他们既要保证生产任务的顺利进行,又要处理各种行政事务。他们的日常工作包括但不限于: - 协调生产计划,确保生产资源的有效分配。 - 监控生产进度,及时报告异常情况,并协助制定解决方案。 - 维护生产数据的准确性和完整性,定期生成报告供管理层参考。 - 处理部门间的文件流转,确保信息传递的及时性和准确性。 - 安排部门会议,准备相关材料,并记录会议纪要。 - 负责部门的资产管理,包括设备维护、物资采购等。 - 支持安全生产,协助实施安全培训和检查。
1. 生产计划协调:与生产经理合作,确保生产计划的合理性和可行性,跟踪进度,调整计划以应对变化。
2. 行政事务处理:处理部门邮件,安排会议,处理文档,确保部门行政工作的高效运行。
3. 数据管理:收集、整理和分析生产数据,为决策提供支持。
4. 内部沟通:作为部门与人力资源、财务、采购等部门的联络人,协调各部门的需求和问题。
5. 资源调配:参与生产设备和物料的采购、维护和分配,确保生产所需资源充足。
6. 安全管理:协助执行公司的安全政策,参与安全培训,定期进行安全检查。
7. 应急响应:在生产过程中遇到突发情况时,快速响应,协助制定和执行应急措施。
第1篇 生产行政助理岗位职责
生产部行政助理 day to day responsibilities:
• to support and maintain daily/routine operations.
• schedules appointments and meetings for department manager and other department staff.
• use computer skills to help prepare reports, correspondence; meeting notes, announcements, filing documents and presentation materials through utilization of computer based microsoft word, e_cel and power point.
• assists department manager with all related matters (travel, e_pense reporting, local logistics, etc…)
• translates documents between english and chinese as needed.
• coordinates and arranges vendor and visitor’s logistics and accommodations.
• assists in arranging special events and activities, conferences, reviews, speeches, etc.
• assists with all e_patriate related matters (travel, reporting, local logistics, etc.).
• support daily and routine operation, such as action follow-up, office management, and administrative work.
• lead new comers orientation and visitor logistics support.
day to day responsibilities:
• to support and maintain daily/routine operations.
• schedules appointments and meetings for department manager and other department staff.
• use computer skills to help prepare reports, correspondence; meeting notes, announcements, filing documents and presentation materials through utilization of computer based microsoft word, e_cel and power point.
• assists department manager with all related matters (travel, e_pense reporting, local logistics, etc…)
• translates documents between english and chinese as needed.
• coordinates and arranges vendor and visitor’s logistics and accommodations.
• assists in arranging special events and activities, conferences, reviews, speeches, etc.
• assists with all e_patriate related matters (travel, reporting, local logistics, etc.).
• support daily and routine operation, such as action follow-up, office management, and administrative work.
• lead new comers orientation and visitor logistics support.