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1. 精通成本会计原理和方法,能够准确计算和分析生产成本。

2. 具备良好的数据分析能力,能从海量数据中找出成本控制的关键点。

3. 对生产流程有深入理解,能识别和改进成本浪费的环节。

4. 掌握预算编制和管理技巧,能制定和执行有效的成本预算。

5. 拥有优秀的沟通能力,能协调各部门合作,推动成本优化措施的实施。

6. 熟悉erp系统和相关财务管理软件,能高效处理成本信息。

7. 必须遵守财务法规和公司政策,保证成本核算的合规性。



1. 收集和整理生产数据,进行成本预测和分析,为管理层提供决策依据。

2. 监控原材料采购、生产过程和成品库存的成本,确保成本控制在预算范围内。

3. 参与新产品的成本估算,为定价策略提供数据支持。

4. 与生产、采购、物流等部门紧密合作,识别成本节约机会并提出改进建议。

5. 定期报告成本绩效,评估成本控制效果,及时调整管理策略。

6. 协助进行内部审计,确保成本信息的准确性。


1. 成本计算与分析:负责计算直接材料、直接人工和制造费用,进行完全成本和标准成本的对比分析。

2. 成本预算编制:参与年度预算编制,设定成本目标,制定成本控制策略。

3. 成本控制体系构建:建立和完善成本管理制度,确保成本管理的系统性和有效性。

4. 成本报告与沟通:定期向管理层汇报成本状况,解释成本变动原因,提出改进建议。

5. 成本优化项目:参与或主导降低成本的项目,如工艺改进、物料替代、设备升级等。

6. 成本培训与指导:对内部员工进行成本意识培训,提升全员的成本管理能力。



第1篇 制造成本岗位职责

制造计划成本经理 岗位职责:

1.manage short term and long term production equipment capacity planning and manning model to ensure successful volume ramp based on customer demand.

2.closely track all direct and indirect manufacturing costs, and help the management to achieve quarterly and yearly cost reduction targets.

3.work with production control and material planning teams to ensure 100% otd and to optimize direct material as well as production wip inventory.

4.conduct production line audit to ensure all manufacturing wip and material consumption numbers are accurate.

5.help to drive lean manufacturing initiatives for productivity improvement and cost reduction.


1. minimum 10 years of direct e_perience in manufacturing operations, supply chain management, and cost accounting in semiconductor or electronics manufacturing industry.

2.the candidate must be very dedicated to his/her job responsibilities and possess high level of ownership and accountability.

3.proven e_perience in production planning and supply chain management.

4.have clear understanding of manufacturing cost and factory level p&l model.

5.a good team player who can collaborate and influence other department leaders to achieve the common goals.

6.a good communicator who can speak english, and work with international customers directly.

7.sap e_perience will be a plus.

8.a 4 year bachelor’s degree is required. master’s degree preferred. 岗位职责:

1.manage short term and long term production equipment capacity planning and manning model to ensure successful volume ramp based on customer demand.

2.closely track all direct and indirect manufacturing costs, and help the management to achieve quarterly and yearly cost reduction targets.

3.work with production control and material planning teams to ensure 100% otd and to optimize direct material as well as production wip inventory.

4.conduct production line audit to ensure all manufacturing wip and material consumption numbers are accurate.

5.help to drive lean manufacturing initiatives for productivity improvement and cost reduction.


1. minimum 10 years of direct e_perience in manufacturing operations, supply chain management, and cost accounting in semiconductor or electronics manufacturing industry.

2.the candidate must be very dedicated to his/her job responsibilities and possess high level of ownership and accountability.

3.proven e_perience in production planning and supply chain management.

4.have clear understanding of manufacturing cost and factory level p&l model.

5.a good team player who can collaborate and influence other department leaders to achieve the common goals.

6.a good communicator who can speak english, and work with international customers directly.

7.sap e_perience will be a plus.

8.a 4 year bachelor’s degree is required. master’s degree preferred.




