1. 深入理解市场动态,洞察行业趋势,为集团制定前瞻性的采购策略。
2. 具备出色的谈判技巧,能够在供应商中争取最优条件,降低采购成本。
3. 精通供应链管理,能有效协调内部各部门需求,优化采购流程。
4. 具备良好的团队领导力,能够指导和激励下属实现目标。
5. 熟悉相关法律法规,确保采购活动的合规性。
6. 具备财务分析能力,能够对采购预算进行有效控制。
1. 制定和实施采购策略:包括供应商选择、合同谈判、价格管理等。
2. 风险管理:识别潜在的供应链风险,如供应中断、价格波动,制定应对措施。
3. 采购流程优化:持续改进采购流程,提高效率,降低成本。
4. 团队建设:招聘、培训、考核采购团队,提升团队绩效。
5. 合规性审查:确保采购活动符合法律法规和公司政策。
6. 供应商关系管理:维护与关键供应商的良好关系,建立长期战略合作。
7. 预算控制:监控采购预算执行情况,提供预算建议和调整方案。
8. 数据分析:利用数据分析工具,对采购数据进行深度挖掘,为决策提供依据。
第1篇 集团采购总监岗位职责
集团采购总监 principal accountabilities and key activities
• establishing and developing sourcing strategies and supplier relationships ensure industry leadership in all
procurement initiatives to support corporation profitability growth.
• manage the sourcing and purchasing activities such as supplier development, price, t&c negotiations to ensure
continuity of supply, reduce total costs and prepare for future sourcing challenges for the specific product
• establish vendors/supplier partnerships encouraging vendor storage of materials to support real-time deliveries,
reducing storage costs, and increasing reliability of deliveries.
• e_cept direct material sourcing and purchasing, lead indirect engineering vendor selection, indirect service and
material sourcing and cost control.
• optimize supplier selection &approve processes, ongoing supplier management processes, establish mechanism
to drive continues improvement of supplier performance
● 本科以上学历
● 至少 3年采购总监位置经验,10年以上采购工作
● 逻辑清晰,沟通协调能力强。
● 诚实守信
● 要求英语流利。
principal accountabilities and key activities
• establishing and developing sourcing strategies and supplier relationships ensure industry leadership in all
procurement initiatives to support corporation profitability growth.
• manage the sourcing and purchasing activities such as supplier development, price, t&c negotiations to ensure
continuity of supply, reduce total costs and prepare for future sourcing challenges for the specific product
• establish vendors/supplier partnerships encouraging vendor storage of materials to support real-time deliveries,
reducing storage costs, and increasing reliability of deliveries.
• e_cept direct material sourcing and purchasing, lead indirect engineering vendor selection, indirect service and
material sourcing and cost control.
• optimize supplier selection &approve processes, ongoing supplier management processes, establish mechanism
to drive continues improvement of supplier performance
● 本科以上学历
● 至少 3年采购总监位置经验,10年以上采购工作
● 逻辑清晰,沟通协调能力强。
● 诚实守信
● 要求英语流利。