1. 深入理解雀巢的企业文化和价值观,致力于创新与可持续发展。
2. 具备优秀的领导力和团队协作精神,能够激发员工潜能,推动团队进步。
3. 熟悉市场动态,对消费者需求有敏锐洞察,能制定有效的商业策略。
4. 强烈的责任心和职业道德,确保产品质量与食品安全。
5. 拥有良好的沟通和谈判技巧,能够建立并维护与各方合作伙伴的关系。
1. 管理与指导团队,制定明确的目标和计划,确保业务目标的达成。
2. 与跨部门合作,协调资源,优化运营流程,提升效率。
3. 分析市场趋势,开发新产品或改进现有产品,以满足消费者不断变化的需求。
4. 建立并维护品牌声誉,通过有效的市场营销策略提升品牌影响力。
5. 监控并确保符合食品安全和质量标准,遵守法规要求,保障消费者权益。
6. 不断学习和适应行业变化,推动企业数字化转型,利用数据分析驱动决策。
1. 人力资源管理:包括招聘、培训、绩效评估和员工发展。
2. 财务管理:预算编制、成本控制、财务报告和风险管理。
3. 生产运营:生产计划、供应链管理、质量控制和设备维护。
4. 市场研究:消费者调查、竞品分析和市场预测。
5. 销售与分销:渠道管理、销售策略制定和客户关系维护。
6. 公关与社会责任:企业社会责任项目、危机公关和社区关系建设。
第1篇 雀巢母婴渠道岗位职责
第2篇 雀巢公司岗位职责
sap咨询顾问, hr/tp/dsp 雀巢(中国)有限公司 雀巢(中国)有限公司,雀巢大中华区总部,雀巢 main responsibilities
provide business process e_pertise on a specific business area (e.g. generating demand, demand supply planning, customer service, material handling, procurement to pay, technical & production, finance & control, asset management & maintenance)
assess market business requirements to establish alignment with globe application template processes and best practice in collaboration with business e_cellence colleagues and market process owners
establish proposed solutions to address market-specific requirements
_ gt-sap-centric, e.g., configuration
_ custom application developments
_ work around
test the localized / customized gt solution to ensure that business process requirements are supported
prepare and participate in end-to-end process integration tests to ensure that market business scenarios are supported
collaborate with the be managers in the development of workaround procedures
provide input and/or assistance in the localization of end-user training methodology & content
provide assistance in the delivery of end-user training
prepare and validate the results of the data conversion process
provide post-implementation level 1 support, including initiation of corrective action or system change requests as appropriate
skills & knowledge
good knowledge of a specific business area , processes and inter-relationships with other business areas
process analysis skills
business object or data modelling skills
strong achievement focus i.e. high energy levels and commitment to end results
e_cellent communication skills with demonstrated clarity in both spoken and written words