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1. 熟悉各类汽车装饰材料的性质和应用,如皮革、织物、碳纤维等。

2. 掌握汽车内饰设计趋势,能根据客户喜好提供专业的装饰建议。

3. 具备良好的手工技能,能够精确地进行装饰品安装和细节处理。

4. 了解汽车安全标准,确保装饰工作不会影响车辆的安全性能。

5. 能够使用相关软件进行设计绘图,如cad等。

6. 具备良好的沟通能力,能理解客户的需求并有效传达给团队。

7. 持有相关的专业资格证书,如汽车美容技师证等。




1. 装饰设计与规划:根据车型、客户偏好和预算,制定装饰方案,可能涉及座椅材质更换、仪表盘改色、音响升级等。

2. 材料采购与质量控制:选购符合标准的装饰材料,确保其耐用性、安全性及与车内环境的协调性。

3. 装饰施工:执行装饰计划,包括裁剪、缝制、粘贴、安装等工作,确保工艺精细,无明显接缝或瑕疵。

4. 客户沟通:与客户保持良好沟通,了解他们的需求变化,及时反馈项目进度。

5. 质量检验:完成装饰后,进行全面检查,确保所有装饰品安装牢固,无安全隐患。

6. 维护与保养指导:向客户介绍装饰品的保养方法,延长装饰品使用寿命。

7. 技术创新与学习:关注行业新技术和新材料,不断更新知识库,提高装饰技巧和服务水平。



第1篇 汽车装饰工岗位职责


第2篇 汽车装饰岗位职责

项目经理 coordinates the development of products in accordance with the schedule, the budget, the customer’s specifications and the internal and customer quality procedures.


e_ternal relations 外部联系 customer development service 客户发展服务

tools development with the support of managers and technicians


subcontractors with the support of the managers to development paint or decoration


suppliers of production facilities with support from the technical service


materials suppliers with purchasing support 采购支持材料供应商

may have to see the client or go to other offices of same branch 需要去拜访客户

engineer-good knowledge of plastic injection 工程师-良好的注塑知识

first significant e_perience in the management of automotive projects 汽车行业丰富的经验

principales responsabilities : 主要职责

formalize the feasibility studies and initialize the apqp format 可行性研究以及初始化apqp

participate in the creation of the encryption dossier during the project 参与项目中加密档案的创建

establish the planning for the development of product from the information transmitted by the customer and review with the team 从客户的传递信息中建立产品开发计划,并与团队进行评审。

communicate the planning to the various internal actors concerned and to the client


ensure to update and communicate any planning changes to the relevant personnel


animate the fmeca process, verify the critical points by the various services and initiate the monitoring plan 处理fmeca过程,验证各种服务对关键点的考虑,并启动了监控计划。

transmit data on supplies needed for procurement, logistics and methods


ensure the supply of raw materials and components 确保原材料和零部件的供应

organize the testing of tools, paint or assembly with the responsible of the services concerned and ensures the conformity of the first parts


be familiar with the test report and ensures that they are taken into concern by the relevant development managers 熟悉测试报告,并确保已交由相关经理处理

to validate with the responsible of tools development actions about serial production in

the conditions forecast previously in the budget验证与模具开发有关的责任以及在年度预算中的产量。

transmit the parts,after preliminary analysis,to the quality department for metrology and laboratory tests,analyse control report and decide together with tool development department concerning the alterations to be made for the mould to be conformity of the parts until the realization of the ppap


ensure the development of the process according to the customer’s specifications and profitability requirements foreseen in the encryption根据客户的规格以及利润要求,确保流程的发展

set up quality documentation related to the product 建立与产品质量相关的文档

participate in the project review and inform the customer of the technical or economic consequences of the changes requested 与项目分析,告知客户变化的技术与经济结果

offer and discuss with the customer modification to reduce the number of alterations to be carried out on tooling 与客户协商减少模具更改的次数

manage the requests from customers with agreement of the general manager,and prepare all the elements to ensure the delivery and the billing


organize the transfer of the tools and products related documentation to the production site 组织转移模具以及与产品相关的文件

ensure the receipt of the production 确保生产的接受

keep informing the results of the tests, if necessary assist the process


ensure acceptance of the final ppap presented by the assignment site by the customer


formalize the traceability documents of the activity, such as weekly activity report,visit reports,synthesis documents at the end of the projects


establish and update the project following-up the documents in accordance with the apqp requirements 建立与更新文件项目,确保与apqp要求的一致性。

ensure the correct conditions of the serial start-up and assist if necessary at the production site 确保正确的启动条件,如果有需要,在产线上进行技术支持

practice the value of the company and promote it internally and e_ternally


performance criteria : 表现标准

the general manager will appreciate the project manager using the following criteria:


respect of qcd commitments in project management 遵守项目qcd 承诺 必须有汽车注塑的经验,在二级供应商做过,英语必须要流利,将来有机会晋升为技术销售经理!

上班地点在昆山,候选人要自己有车!如果项目忙的时候偶尔需要周末加班,没有加班工资的。 coordinates the development of products in accordance with the schedule, the budget, the customer’s specifications and the internal and customer quality procedures.


e_ternal relations 外部联系 customer development service 客户发展服务

tools development with the support of managers and technicians


subcontractors with the support of the managers to development paint or decoration


suppliers of production facilities with support from the technical service


materials suppliers with purchasing support 采购支持材料供应商

may have to see the client or go to other offices of same branch 需要去拜访客户

engineer-good knowledge of plastic injection 工程师-良好的注塑知识

first significant e_perience in the management of automotive projects 汽车行业丰富的经验

principales responsabilities : 主要职责

formalize the feasibility studies and initialize the apqp format 可行性研究以及初始化apqp

participate in the creation of the encryption dossier during the project 参与项目中加密档案的创建

establish the planning for the development of product from the information transmitted by the customer and review with the team 从客户的传递信息中建立产品开发计划,并与团队进行评审。

communicate the planning to the various internal actors concerned and to the client


ensure to update and communicate any planning changes to the relevant personnel


animate the fmeca process, verify the critical points by the various services and initiate the monitoring plan 处理fmeca过程,验证各种服务对关键点的考虑,并启动了监控计划。

transmit data on supplies needed for procurement, logistics and methods


ensure the supply of raw materials and components 确保原材料和零部件的供应

organize the testing of tools, paint or assembly with the responsible of the services concerned and ensures the conformity of the first parts


be familiar with the test report and ensures that they are taken into concern by the relevant development managers 熟悉测试报告,并确保已交由相关经理处理

to validate with the responsible of tools development actions about serial production in

the conditions forecast previously in the budget验证与模具开发有关的责任以及在年度预算中的产量。

transmit the parts,after preliminary analysis,to the quality department for metrology and laboratory tests,analyse control report and decide together with tool development department concerning the alterations to be made for the mould to be conformity of the parts until the realization of the ppap


ensure the development of the process according to the customer’s specifications and profitability requirements foreseen in the encryption根据客户的规格以及利润要求,确保流程的发展

set up quality documentation related to the product 建立与产品质量相关的文档

participate in the project review and inform the customer of the technical or economic consequences of the changes requested 与项目分析,告知客户变化的技术与经济结果

offer and discuss with the customer modification to reduce the number of alterations to be carried out on tooling 与客户协商减少模具更改的次数

manage the requests from customers with agreement of the general manager,and prepare all the elements to ensure the delivery and the billing


organize the transfer of the tools and products related documentation to the production site 组织转移模具以及与产品相关的文件

ensure the receipt of the production 确保生产的接受

keep informing the results of the tests, if necessary assist the process


ensure acceptance of the final ppap presented by the assignment site by the customer


formalize the traceability documents of the activity, such as weekly activity report,visit reports,synthesis documents at the end of the projects


establish and update the project following-up the documents in accordance with the apqp requirements 建立与更新文件项目,确保与apqp要求的一致性。

ensure the correct conditions of the serial start-up and assist if necessary at the production site 确保正确的启动条件,如果有需要,在产线上进行技术支持

practice the value of the company and promote it internally and e_ternally


performance criteria : 表现标准

the general manager will appreciate the project manager using the following criteria:


respect of qcd commitments in project management 遵守项目qcd 承诺




