1. 具备深厚的物业管理知识,熟悉相关法规和标准。
2. 拥有出色的组织能力和沟通技巧,能够协调各部门和租户的需求。
3. 精通预算编制和成本控制,能有效管理物业预算。
4. 能够处理紧急情况,制定并执行应急预案。
5. 具备良好的问题解决能力,应对各种设施和租户问题。
1. 设施管理:负责办公楼的设施维护,包括空调、电梯、照明系统等,确保其正常运行。
2. 租户服务:处理租户租赁合同、租金支付、空间调整等事务,维护良好的租户关系。
3. 安全管理:实施安全政策,定期进行安全检查,预防和应对突发事件。
4. 财务管理:制定和监控物业预算,控制成本,确保财务健康。
5. 项目协调:参与办公楼的改造升级项目,协调承包商,确保项目按时完成并符合质量标准。
6. 合规性:确保物业运营符合所有适用的法规、标准和行业最佳实践。
7. 团队领导:指导和培训物业团队,提升员工技能和服务水平。
8. 环境管理:推动可持续发展,实施节能措施,提高物业的环保性能。
第1篇 办公物业经理岗位职责
mgr, port & wp strg & fclt mgmt 物业及办公场所策略及设施管理经理 恒生银行(中国)有限公司 恒生银行(中国)有限公司,恒生 工作职能:
• ensure all lease contracts/premises acquisition of the bank are properly handled as per policy and guideline.
• familiar with contract law and protect the bank interest by building proper terms and conditions of the contract signed.
• to monitor, lead and streamline the project and design team daily operation including bank premise proposal, tendering, site management project cost control etc
• to plan and utilize the project and design team resources to support and align with bank biz plan and target.
• plan for the portfolio strategies and offer to business units to cope with bank objective.
• provide market updates for management and business unit information.
• cost control in every aspects to the best interest of the bank.
• ensure the bank’s core properties are under proper management.
• motivate and manage the subordinates to perform their duties and to attain the objectives of the department.
• set objectives for the team in line with business goal and lead the team to achieve the targets.
• work with other teams for projects/plans roll out.
• communicate with hase for standard of work, group policy and sharing of e_perience.
• ensure that all control measures relevant to the job responsibilities are undertaken to minimize the risk e_posure of the bank.
• ensure the compliance of relevant ordinance and statutory requirements.
• compile work manual and guideline for subordinates.
over 10 years related working e_perience
university graduate in property management, facilities management, mechanical & engineering or equivalent
professional knowledge in facilities management related aspects and relevant services
comprehensive analysis and judgment capability
fluency in both written english and chinese