1. 具备深厚的市场分析能力,能准确预测市场趋势和供应商动态。
2. 熟悉供应链管理,理解采购流程和合同法律条款。
3. 拥有优秀的谈判技巧,能在维护公司利益的同时建立和保持良好的供应商关系。
4. 能够运用数据分析工具,评估供应商性能和成本效益。
5. 具备项目管理和跨部门协作的经验,能够协调内部资源以实现采购目标。
1. 市场调研与供应商评估:收集市场信息,分析供应商资质,进行性价比评估。
2. 合同谈判与签订:草拟和审阅采购合同,确保条款公正,保障公司利益。
3. 供应商管理:维护供应商关系,处理合同执行中的问题,定期评估供应商表现。
4. 内部协调:与各部门沟通,确保采购计划与公司战略一致,满足业务需求。
5. 成本控制与优化:通过数据分析,降低采购成本,提高供应链效率。
6. 供应链策略规划:参与制定和调整企业供应链战略,适应市场变化。
7. 行业洞察与创新:关注行业发展趋势,引入新的采购理念和技术,提升企业竞争力。
第1篇 战略采购员岗位职责
job responsibilities:
1、find, select and approve preferred suppliers in accordance with pre-defined commodity strategy. align supplier selection with r&d and sqe
2、negotiate with suppliers in order to get best total cost (tco) for the business
3、visit and audit suppliers to validate supplier-client-product fit
4、participate in contract negotiations with suppliers
5、participate in defining commodity strategies and target setting
6、ensure compliance with negotiated agreements and volumes
7、manage improvement actions with suppliers / develop e_isting suppliers
8、ensure links with engineering and quality
9、support senior strategically purchaser in defined commodity groups
10、ordering of material during the project of all new parts which have no first article release
11、other tasks assigned by management
job requirements:
1、2-6 years working e_perience in strategic sourcing department/team, manufacturing enterprise is a plus
2、bachelor and above degrees, majoring in engineering, economics or related disciplines;certificate and above required focusing on supply chain, engineering, finance or related field is preferable
3、good ms office skill including e_cel, work, ppt, outlook, etc
4、good communication, proactive, patient with hands-on ability, willing to learn
5,good english both in oral and writing