1. 具备深厚的行业知识和实践经验,熟悉相关领域的质量标准和法规。
2. 精通验证方法和流程,能设计并实施有效的验证方案。
3. 具备出色的组织协调能力,能有效管理验证团队,确保任务按时完成。
4. 严谨细致,对数据敏感,能准确分析验证结果。
5. 良好的沟通技巧,能与各部门有效协作,解决质量问题。
6. 强烈的责任心和风险意识,能在问题出现时迅速采取应对措施。
1. 验证计划与执行:制定全面的验证计划,包括验证范围、目标、方法和时间表,并监督执行,确保计划的顺利完成。
2. 团队管理:招募、培训和指导验证团队成员,提升团队的整体能力和效率。
3. 文件管理:维护验证记录,确保所有数据的准确性和完整性,以便于审计和追踪。
4. 风险评估:识别潜在的质量风险,制定预防和纠正措施,防止问题的发生。
5. 内外部沟通:与内部各部门、供应商及监管机构保持良好沟通,确保验证活动符合各方期望。
6. 不断改进:分析验证结果,识别改进点,推动质量管理体系的持续优化。
7. 法规合规:跟踪最新的法规动态,确保公司的验证活动始终符合法律法规要求。
第1篇 qc验证主管岗位职责
qc validation/qualification supervisor仪器验证主管 诺化仕(无锡)制药有限公司 诺化仕(无锡)制药有限公司,诺化仕,诺化仕 job summary:
•ensure the maintenance and qualification of the analytical and metrological equipment of the novacyl quality control laboratory;
•support non-routine analytic activities such as analytical validation, analytical transfers and method troubleshooting;
•manage the analysts in charge of qualification and validation activities (resources from the hplc and physical chemistry laboratory seconded to the qualification/validation projects).
mains missions :
•maintenance/qualification of laboratory equipment ;
•management of analytical transfer and validations.
mission 1: maintenance
? organizes the preventive maintenance (internal or e_ternal) and the periodic verifications (internal or e_ternal) of the equipment of the laboratory (planning / follow-up of the supplier) in the respect of the deadlines and costs
? organizes the curative maintenance of laboratory equipment during breakdowns (internal or e_ternal) (planning / monitoring of service providers)
? manages stocks of spare parts needed for first-level maintenance
? represents the maintenance pole during audits and inspections by the authorities
? supports laboratory technicians in case of equipment problems
? organizes calibration/verification of standards dedicated to equipment verification by e_ternal agencies
mission 2: qualification laboratory equipment
? write the equipment qualification documentation for the laboratory (urs, protocols ....)
? organize qualification by suppliers
? conduct and / or organize additional tests not performed by suppliers (internal or outsourced)
? write the equipment usage documentation (operating modes, logbooks ...)
? presents qualification records during audits and inspections by the authorities
? ensures the training of technicians in the use of equipment
? organizes equipment supplier qualification
? participates in the choice of laboratory equipment and software
mission 3: coordination of analytical transfer, validations and troubleshooting activities
? supports the technicians in case of analytical problem, technical oos, technical question ? write the study protocols/report for the laboratory off stream activities (analytical validation, transfer ...) ? organise with the laboratory staff the studies for off stream activities (analytical validation, transfer ...)
? participates in the creation / modification of the working documentation (analytical methods, work instructions…
mission 4: laboratory life
? participates to various meetings related to the operation of the service (daily, monthly ...) ? leads actions to improve the operation of the maintenance center and the laboratory. ? defines with the manager the investment strategy for laboratory equipment ? is the system administrator of the labs si
required skills:
1. bachelor degree in relevant;
2. with 5-10 years professional e_perience in a quality control laboratory in a gmp environment;
3. spoken english is a plus;
4. good knowledge of the standards applicable to the laboratory (pharmacopoeia, .ich...);
5. good understanding of equipment and analytical laboratory techniques (titration, gc, hplc, spectroscopy, karl fischer, ....);
6. knowledge of software related to laboratory equipment.
第2篇 验证主管岗位职责
验证主管 安礼特(上海)医药科技有限公司 安礼特(上海)医药科技有限公司,安礼特 五、验证主管1-2人