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1. 熟悉各种表面处理工艺流程,具备扎实的理论知识和实践经验。

2. 具备良好的化学知识,理解各种化学制剂的性质和用途。

3. 精通质量控制方法,能准确检测和评估表面处理效果。

4. 了解相关安全规定,能正确操作设备,确保生产安全。

5. 具备良好的问题解决能力,能迅速应对生产过程中出现的问题。

6. 良好的团队协作精神,能够与工程、生产及质检部门有效沟通。




1. 工艺开发:研究和优化新的表面处理技术,提升产品质量和效率。

2. 工艺实施:按照既定流程进行操作,确保产品表面处理的一致性和稳定性。

3. 质量控制:定期进行质量检测,确保产品表面处理达到规格要求。

4. 设备管理:维护和保养设备,及时排除故障,保证生产顺利进行。

5. 安全操作:遵守安全规程,防止化学品泄漏等事故的发生。

6. 技术文档:编写和更新工艺文件,为其他员工提供操作指南。

7. 培训指导:对新员工进行表面处理技术的培训和指导。

8. 问题解决:针对生产中出现的异常情况,进行分析并提出解决方案。

9. 成本控制:优化工艺,降低材料和能源消耗,提高经济效益。



第1篇 表面处理岗位职责

表面处理专家 key responsibilities:

• in alignment with central competence groups, to support product development projects, manufacturing projects & customer performance analysis related to surface technology (coating, corrosion, phosphating, black o_idation…etc.)

• to map all the coating application in skf china, and set up the coating development projects

• to support the coating supplier’s development and release

• to support the failure analysis related the coatings.

• to apply the suitable coating for the bearings to improve the performance.

• to produce technical reports, presentations, e_planations and communications to internal customers for surface technical issues. to help preparing e_ternal communications.

• to train to colleagues to enhance technical competence

• to participate to technical seminars for customers

• to collaborate with e_ternal universities / institutes

• to collaborate with central competence groups on fundamental research projects

• master degree or above in electrochemistry, coating (phosphating, black o_idation…)

• at least 8 years on coating (phosphating, black o_idation…) related working e_perience in industry.

• familiar with coating process and test equipment/method

• familiar with ms-office practical usage.

• ability to work across cultures and multicultural environments

• customer focused, self-motivated, structured and analytical problem solver with a high level of personal drive and commitment

• good team and networking aptitude, open minded

• e_cellent english - written & verbal communication skills

key responsibilities:

• in alignment with central competence groups, to support product development projects, manufacturing projects & customer performance analysis related to surface technology (coating, corrosion, phosphating, black o_idation…etc.)

• to map all the coating application in skf china, and set up the coating development projects

• to support the coating supplier’s development and release

• to support the failure analysis related the coatings.

• to apply the suitable coating for the bearings to improve the performance.

• to produce technical reports, presentations, e_planations and communications to internal customers for surface technical issues. to help preparing e_ternal communications.

• to train to colleagues to enhance technical competence

• to participate to technical seminars for customers

• to collaborate with e_ternal universities / institutes

• to collaborate with central competence groups on fundamental research projects

第2篇 表面处理工艺工程师岗位职责

工艺工程师(表面处理喷涂方向) 大疆创新 深圳市大疆创新科技有限公司,dji,大疆,大疆创新,大疆无人机,大疆 工作职责:

1. 新产品设计阶段cmf的需求收集与可行性评估分析,进行工艺设计、工艺迭代、制程良率提升和最终量产导入;

2. 负责产品表面处理工艺标准的制定,分析解决现场工艺问题;

3. 产品生产及可靠性验证时出现的异常处理与改善提升;

4. 负责新材料、新工艺的开发、测试与应用。


1. 3年以上产品工艺开发经验,本科以上学历,机械、化学、高分子材料相关专业;

2. 熟悉高分子和金属材料特性,熟悉涂料基础理论及应用特性,精通产品表面喷涂工艺;

3. 了解压铸、注塑成型、cnc等材料加工工艺;

4. 具备相关领域失效分析、测试及问题改善能力;

5. 具备较强责任心、良好的沟通能力及团队协作能力。

第3篇 表面处理工艺岗位职责

finishing engineer表面处理工艺 major responsibilities:

work on improvement of finishing attributes

lead process change for finishing attribute improvement in division-wide.

define/refine base case of finishing attributes for process optimization

provide project leadership for process initiation and improvement – including feasibility studies, planning, and complete documentation.

review and analyze performance, product data, process data, respond to the result.

plan, e_ecute and document e_perimental design program.

work to define/improve key attributes for quality of customer.

work with development team to study fundamental understanding of finishing attributes

education & e_perience

3 years above in relative job e_perience

bs above (include) degree and major in engineering ( mechanical/chemical/material engineering preferred)

major responsibilities:

work on improvement of finishing attributes

lead process change for finishing attribute improvement in division-wide.

define/refine base case of finishing attributes for process optimization

provide project leadership for process initiation and improvement – including feasibility studies, planning, and complete documentation.

review and analyze performance, product data, process data, respond to the result.

plan, e_ecute and document e_perimental design program.

work to define/improve key attributes for quality of customer.

work with development team to study fundamental understanding of finishing attributes

education & e_perience

3 years above in relative job e_perience

bs above (include) degree and major in engineering ( mechanical/chemical/material engineering preferred)

第4篇 表面处理工程师岗位职责

表面处理工程师 梨树全创 梨树全创科技有限公司,梨树全创,梨树全创 职责描述:







2.熟悉电镀制程各类药水特性及管控基准与方法,熟悉龙门&vcp电镀线、ses、plasma等设备操作,熟悉普通直流电镀、脉冲电镀的工作原理与管控方法,有tenting和pattern plating生产经验,能独立编写电镀制程相关sop,解决制程各类品质异常。






