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1. 熟悉企业政策和流程:外围岗位人员需全面了解公司的规章制度,确保工作的合规性。

2. 专业技能:具备岗位所需的特定技能,如行政管理的组织协调能力,人力资源的招聘与培训技巧,市场公关的沟通策略等。

3. 协作精神:外围岗位工作往往需要与其他部门紧密合作,因此良好的团队协作能力至关重要。

4. 问题解决:能够独立处理日常工作中遇到的问题,并在必要时提出改进方案。

5. 适应性:外围岗位职责可能随企业需求变化而调整,员工应具备快速适应新任务的能力。




1. 行政管理:包括办公设备管理、会议安排、文档整理、接待访客等。

2. 人力资源:涵盖招聘与面试、员工培训、绩效评估、薪酬福利管理等。

3. 市场公关:涉及品牌推广、公关活动策划、媒体关系管理、危机公关应对等。

4. 客户服务:处理客户咨询、订单处理、售后服务、客户满意度调查等。

5. 内部沟通:协助各部门间的沟通协调,确保信息准确传递。

6. 数据分析:收集和分析相关数据,为决策提供支持。

7. 法规遵守:确保企业运营符合法律法规,预防潜在风险。



第1篇 外围销售岗位职责

助理销售经理,湖北外围 sales forecast, budget and objectives

• develop and manage operatively weekly rolling sales forecasts for the assigned district

• ensures in line with business objectives the proper management of budget (reach targets on trade spending, returns, profits)

customer plans and sales development

• detect and propose business development and growth opportunities, ensure quantity and quality development in the assigned district (business blocks kpis)

• properly distribute resources (human, financial, posm, etc.) for most effective roi


• presents, negotiate and sign agreed budget with distributors if any (define and communicate objectives and policy to customers)

field management

• defines with distributor the level of service e_pected (business model, dedicated vs shared sales force, kpis etc) and monitor the actual outcome

• ensure application of national and local ka agreements

• ensure achievement of the district sales targets (building blocks kpis)

• propose sales force structure – dedicated vs shared sales force etc., location, headcount

• manage distributors and wholesalers, ensure payment, follow up credits and assure the information flow from distributors on sales and e_penses

planning and control

• plans daily and weekly routing and ensures conformity by sales representatives

• monitors field activities performance and accomplishment of sales conditions, agreements and relevant bb kpis

• ensure stock management and control, propose actions to resolve over-stocks, out-of stocks

• ensure that all agreed reports are provided timely and accurately - from distributor, from the sales force (in store scorecard) and ensure accuracy, up & down with kam (actuals on stocks and sales, freshness, other regional reports, reports from promoters)

marketing and trade marketing

• implement brand strategies, achieve qualitative and quantitative objectives set by marketing, report on opportunities, obstacles

• ensure implementation of tm activities, active and proper in-store activities e_ecution

• is responsible for control: visibility, positioning of posm and takes measures to e_ecute trade marketing activities if they are not in place

• makes proposals on new types of posm and in-store activities to regional tm supervisor

• control work of promoter (during market visit) – presence, presentation etc. report on issues to regional trade marketing supervisor.

managing human resources

• define sales targets to field team for the structure managed by sku, control results

• regularly evaluate performance of the structure assigned through joint visits and market visits: evaluate achievement of the bb kpis, effect coaching and motivate subordinates

• participate in recruitment and selection according to the job descriptions and company values

• train new comers on merchandising, sales skills, trade marketing e_ecution, e_plain sales principles and commercial policy, communicate new products, new projects, promo etc.

other tasks assigned by line manager or company

sales forecast, budget and objectives

• develop and manage operatively weekly rolling sales forecasts for the assigned district

• ensures in line with business objectives the proper management of budget (reach targets on trade spending, returns, profits)

customer plans and sales development

• detect and propose business development and growth opportunities, ensure quantity and quality development in the assigned district (business blocks kpis)

• properly distribute resources (human, financial, posm, etc.) for most effective roi


• presents, negotiate and sign agreed budget with distributors if any (define and communicate objectives and policy to customers)

field management

• defines with distributor the level of service e_pected (business model, dedicated vs shared sales force, kpis etc) and monitor the actual outcome

• ensure application of national and local ka agreements

• ensure achievement of the district sales targets (building blocks kpis)

• propose sales force structure – dedicated vs shared sales force etc., location, headcount

• manage distributors and wholesalers, ensure payment, follow up credits and assure the information flow from distributors on sales and e_penses

planning and control

• plans daily and weekly routing and ensures conformity by sales representatives

• monitors field activities performance and accomplishment of sales conditions, agreements and relevant bb kpis

• ensure stock management and control, propose actions to resolve over-stocks, out-of stocks

• ensure that all agreed reports are provided timely and accurately - from distributor, from the sales force (in store scorecard) and ensure accuracy, up & down with kam (actuals on stocks and sales, freshness, other regional reports, reports from promoters)

marketing and trade marketing

• implement brand strategies, achieve qualitative and quantitative objectives set by marketing, report on opportunities, obstacles

• ensure implementation of tm activities, active and proper in-store activities e_ecution

• is responsible for control: visibility, positioning of posm and takes measures to e_ecute trade marketing activities if they are not in place

• makes proposals on new types of posm and in-store activities to regional tm supervisor

• control work of promoter (during market visit) – presence, presentation etc. report on issues to regional trade marketing supervisor.

managing human resources

• define sales targets to field team for the structure managed by sku, control results

• regularly evaluate performance of the structure assigned through joint visits and market visits: evaluate achievement of the bb kpis, effect coaching and motivate subordinates

• participate in recruitment and selection according to the job descriptions and company values

• train new comers on merchandising, sales skills, trade marketing e_ecution, e_plain sales principles and commercial policy, communicate new products, new projects, promo etc.

other tasks assigned by line manager or company

第2篇 外围保安岗位职责






第3篇 外围主管岗位职责

业务主管(外围流通市场) 武汉智通恒大供应链科技股份有限公司 武汉智通恒大供应链科技股份有限公司,智通恒大,智通恒大 职责描述:

1、 开拓新资源、建立良好的客户网络;

2、 产品铺市和新老客户的维护及开发工作;

3、 创新思维,协助业务员努力完成销售任务;

4、 掌握客户库存情况,根据客户要求订货;

5、 及时回收货款、清收超期应收帐款,协助财务部门完成结算工作;

6、 协助客户制订促销计划;

7、 进行客户满意度调查、进行产品调查;





第4篇 外围销售代表岗位职责








