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发布时间:2023-01-19 热度:2


第1篇 圣诞校园的英语广播稿



a: good morning, everyone. welcome to happy english time.

nice to meet you. i am xxx.各位早上好,欢迎收听我们的英语广播,很高兴见到大家。i’m xxx.

b: i’m xxx.

a: today we will talk about christmas.今天我们要聊聊关于圣诞节的话题。

b:christmas is coming, do you want to know more about it? let me tell you..圣诞节要到了,你们想不想了解更多关于圣诞节的事情呢?让我来告诉大家。

a: 每年的12月25日是基督教徒纪念耶稣诞生的日子,称为圣诞节。从12月24日到第二年的1月6日为圣诞节节期。节日期间各国基督教都举行隆重的纪念仪式。圣诞节本来是基督教徒的节日,但现在它已经成为一个全民性的节日,国家一年中最盛大的节日,可以和新年相提并论。类似我国过春节。

b: 在圣诞节中,最受欢迎的是圣诞老人。西方儿童在圣诞夜临睡之前,要在壁炉前或枕头旁放上一只袜子。等候圣诞老人在他们入睡后把礼物放在袜子内。there are many presents in the socks! 袜子里有许多的礼物!

a:第二天早上,孩子们总是起得很早,他们都会从床上跳下来看看有没有礼物。when they get up, the first thing they do is looking at their socks! when they see the presents, they will be very happy.当他们起床后,要做的第一件事情就是看他们的`袜子。当他们看到袜子里的礼物时,都会非常开心。

播放音乐:《jingle bells》


a:i like christmas tree. 圣诞树一般是用杉柏之类的常绿树做成,象征生命长存。树上装饰着各种灯烛、彩花、玩具、星星,挂上各种圣诞礼物,圣诞之夜,人们围着圣诞树唱歌跳舞,尽情欢乐。they sing and dance happily.他们尽情地唱歌跳舞。

b:now, let’s go and have a look what do people usually do at christmas? 现在让我们去看一看人们是怎样过圣诞的。在荷兰人们赠送圣诞礼物往往出人意料,礼物甚至会藏在布丁、羊肠里呢!how strange! 多奇怪呀!


b:在意大利,只有小孩和老人能得到礼物,在意大利的家庭里,每逢圣诞节都喜欢安置一些耶稣圣诞故事的模型景物。圣诞的前夕,家人团聚吃大餐,they will have a big dinner. 到午夜参加圣诞弥撒,然后大家去访问亲戚朋友,they will visit their relatives and friends. 但只有小孩和老人得到礼物。在圣诞节,意大利有一种好风俗。孩子为感谢父母一年来的教养,会在未吃圣诞大餐前,将他们的作文或诗歌,暗藏在纸巾、桌布或碟子里,吃完大餐便将它取出朗读.their parents will be very happy. 他们的父母都会非常的高兴。

a:小朋友们,圣诞节要到了,我们可以对伙伴们说些什么呢?现在让我来教教大家。merry christmas.大家知道这句话的意思吗?就是圣诞节快乐。大家再跟我念一遍:merry christmas. (停顿3秒)这句话非常有用哦,大家可以对自己的同学和老师说一说这句话。同学们,让我再教大家一个词。christmas tree,就是圣诞树的意思。大家再跟我念一遍:christmas tree。(停顿3秒)

b: boys and girls, that’s all for today. 快乐的时光总是短暂,我们今天的校园英语广播就要结束了。老师、同学们们,希望大家圣诞节过的愉快。(停顿2秒)

a/ b: see you next time. goodbye. 下次见。再见。

播放音乐:《we wish you a merry christmas.》

第2篇 圣诞校园英语广播稿

圣诞校园英语广播稿 1

a: when the bright sun warms the entire campus, weaving it into a colorful wreath. retain a ray of breeze to broadcast hope for tomorrow.

b: give a sincerity to create a world of love. take away a smile and walk with us forever.

合: xiaolanghua broadcast to meet everyone again!

a: im zhong xiaodan, the host of class 2 (6).

b: im zhu tingting, the host of class 2 (6).

b: the theme of this issue of red scarf radio is 'christmas'

a: in the west, every household will be decorated with christmas colors when christmas comes. the red ones have christmas flowers and christmas candles. the green one is the christmas tree. it is the main decoration for christmas and is decorated with evergreen trees such as felled fir and cypress in the shape of a tower. there are colorful lanterns, gifts and paper flowers hanging on it, and christmas candles are lit. the red and white contrasting each other is santa claus, who is the most popular character in christmas activities. western children put a sock in front of the fireplace or beside the pillow before going to bed on christmas eve, and wait for santa to put gifts in the sock after they fall asleep. in the west, playing santa claus is also a custom.

b: santa claus originally refers to nicholas, the bishop of asia minor in the 4th century ad. he is famous for his kindness and generosity to help the poor. in the 6th century, the east honored him as saint nicholas. as the folk legends about nicholas are associated with children and gifts, from then on, santa claus has become the image of a kind old man who specializes in giving gifts to children at christmas. in the 18th century, through literature and painting, santa claus gradually became an old man with white beard and white eyebrows wearing infrared clothes.

a: saints from the east gave gifts when jesus was born. this is the origin of the custom of santa claus giving gifts to children. british children put their long socks by the fireplace on christmas eve. it is believed that santa claus will come down the chimney at night and bring them socks full of gifts. children in france put their shoes at the door, asking 'the holy child to put gifts inside the shoes when he comes.'

b: dear students, we sincerely wish everyone a merry christmas and receive gifts from santa claus. hope 'xiaolanghua broadcasting station' can be your mentor and helpful friend, and accompany you through your golden childhood. thanks for listening, and goodbye!

圣诞校园英语广播稿 2

male: when the crisp sound of birds broke through the silence of the campus, we ushered in a new day.

女: we make a sincere and walk with you.

男: we are collecting a piece of happiness and sharing it with everyone.

女: dear teachers!

男: dear classmates!

合: good morning everyone!

male: today is december 25th, friday of the seventeenth week.

女: red scarf radio has met you again, and you are welcome to listen.

a: i’m the host of no. 2 squadron:

b: i’m the host of no. 5 squadron:

[a] this program is arranged for you in this way: first is 'eight faces', and second is 'beautiful essays appreciation',

[b] next is 'little common sense of life', and finally, please enjoy the english song 'merry christmas'.

blet us listen to the detailed content together below:

column 1: from all directions

origin of christmas

classmates, do you know that today is christmas? more and more chinese people are beginning to like christmas. christmas culture is getting stronger and stronger! how much do you know about the origin of christmas? here, i will explain it in detail to everyone. if you don’t know, listen carefully and enrich yourself the accumulation of knowledge!

christmas on december 25 is the largest and most loved holiday in western countries. according to the 'bible', god decided to incarnate his only son, jesus christ, to find a mother, and then live in the world, so that people can better understand god, learn to love god, and love each other better. 'christmas' means 'celebrate christ' and celebrate the moment when maria gave birth to jesus. there was no christmas at the beginning of the church. it is said that the first christmas was held in 138 ad by the initiative of saint clement, the bishop of rome. the first christmas in the history of the church was in 336 ad. since the bible does not clearly record when jesus was born, christmas dates vary from place to place. it was not until 440 ad that the holy see set december 25 as christmas. in 16xx ad, church leaders from all over the world met in bethlehem to further confirm.

column 2: appreciation of beautiful essays

sing to you, my motherland

column 3: life tips

be sure to pay attention to your nose health in winter!

column 4: campus song station

[a] stepping on the merry christmas bells, xx walked towards us in strides, and let the singing send affectionate blessings to you,

[b] let the singing convey our beautiful hearts.

1, ishing you a song in your heart at christmas and blessings all year long.

2, play the english song 'merry christmas'




