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第1篇 澳大利亚探亲邀请函范文


from: liang jiahui

address: 230 albert st. granville, nsw 262, australia

contact number: 0061-0421888888

date: june 5th, 20xx

to: liang chaowei (born in april 23rd 1965, male, father),

liu jialing (born in nov. 10th 1968, female, mother),

address: room 888, bldg 888, haiwan huayuan, jida, zhuhai city, guangdong province, china

sub: invitation to visit australia

dear mum and dad,

i would like to invite you to australia to stay with me for three weeks since 15 june 20xx. it would be very nice to have you with me.

i have been studying in australia for over one year and i miss you so much. i do hope you can pay me a visit.

during your stay here, you will also get an opportunity to see and experience the western culture, meet different kinds of people and different variety of food. you will also enjoy the nice city i live in.

you will stay with me in my place located 230 albert st. granville, nsw 262, australia.

yours lovingly,

liang jiahui


to whom it may concern:

i am writing this letter to invite our/my parents (name and brith days) to visit us in australia this coming may for a period of months.

it goes without saying that we will cover all expenses during their visit in australia, which includes international air tickets, local transportation, accmodations, medical insurances and all other related expenses.

your favourable consideration regarding their visa applications will be highly appreciated. if you have any question regarding this matter, please kindly contact me/us at the address above.




statutory declaration

we, mr. citizen, john and mrs. citizen lisa of

2 john street

south melbourne, vic 3005, australia

do solemnly and sincerely declare that

we, australian permanent resident and citizen, are happy to invite and sponsor our mother - ms. citizen, michelle to come to visit us and her grand children in melbourne, australia.

we will be fully responsible for all the expenses incurred during her stay in australia such as accommodation, foods, air tickets, medical expenses and all other commonwealth financial commitments. we will guarantee that she will return back to china before her visa expires. we are pleased to pay a security bond, if required.

i make this solemn declaretion by virtue of the statutory declaration act of 1959 as amended and subject to the penalties provided by the act for the making of false statements in this declaration to be ture in every particular.

declared at: _____(john citizen & lisa citizen 澳洲邀请人签字)

第2篇 澳大利亚商务邀请函


澳大利亚是我国大洋州地区重要的贸易伙伴,为发展中澳两国经贸合作, 帮助出口企业了解大洋 州国际市场需求,拓展国际市场营销渠道,扩大我国农业产品出口,我公司 将组织 “中国代表团” “20xx 年 8 月第 40 届澳大利亚国际农业展览会” 参加 。 请相关企业抓住机遇前往参展,展示、宣传本企业的产品,争取有更多的 产品进入大洋州市场。 一、展览会名称、时间和地点 展会名称:第 41 届澳大利亚国际农业展览会 展会时间:20xx 年 8 月(一年一届) 展会地点:澳大利亚 新南威尔士 冈尼达 二、展会介绍:澳大利亚新南威尔士冈尼达的巨大展会在今年八月历时三 天的日子,它吸引了 80000 参观者,是澳大利亚所有农业类展览会参观者最 多的展会。自 1973 年首届展览会吸引了 69 个农业类和其他相关产品生产 企业起, 澳大利亚冈尼达国际农业展览会为这个地区的专业人员提供了最 新的机器、设备和服务。作为澳大利亚第一个农业展在过去 40 年里创造了 良好的声誉并且吸引了超过 3000 家公司。每一年,与会公司利用这一平台 发布新产品和服务,利用这一独特的机会直接接触客户。冈尼达农业展已经

使自己成为澳大利亚农业市场不可分割的一部分,它在澳大利亚千上万的 农场商业运作方面仍然发挥着重要的作用,为行业和政府提供会议场所。冈 尼达农业展不仅公认为澳大利亚最大的农业和农村市场,在世界上也是最 大的农业行业展会之一。 澳洲市场是我国近几年来重点开发的国外农业出口市场,澳大利亚是世界 地域广阔的国家,农业是澳洲的国民基础产业,市场潜力巨大。每年的八 月农业展都会在冈尼达镇迎来世界各地的数以万计的专业观众及采购商, 展会的展出内容几乎涵盖了农业及相关领域的全部内容,为业内企业提供 了一个集中展示、交流合作的理想商务平台。我司曾于 20xx 年和 20xx 年 我们带领 13 家中国企业展团参加澳大利亚国际农业展,取得了良好效果, 积累了澳洲农业展览市场的经验。今年我司继续负责组团参加第 41 届冈尼 达农业展,我们将为广大农业企业提供更加合理、更具质量的展会安排和 参展一条龙服务。该展是了解和评估澳洲农业发展相关技术进步的重要标 尺,为计划开发澳洲市场的农业企业搭建了一个很好的平台,参展企业能 够结识到真正的客户,是中国企业进入澳洲市场的首选展览,是开拓海外 市场最直接有效的途径。该展会观众多、展出效果好,通过参展,企业将 掌握大量第一手澳洲市场信息,正面接触海外用户和代理商,拓宽销售渠 道,及时掌握农业最新的发展动态。我国的农业产品的发展速度极快,在 国际竞争中价格优势是显而易见的。在此,我们诚挚地邀请贵单位参加本 届展览会 三、展品范围: 1 农机配件和部件、农业机械、拖拉机、收获机、插秧机、脱粒、清选和 存储设备、场上作业机械、耕整种植机械、施肥机械、植保机械、植保用品;农副产品加工机械 2 小型动力机械及配套产品机械:微耕机、旋耕机、各类农机具、汽油机、 柴油机、发电机组、水泵机组、耕作机、清洗机; 3 畜牧机械:青饲料机械和捆绑机械、饲料加工机械设备、舍建设和监控 设备、奶产品加工机械等; 4 园艺机械:草坪工具及维护设备、割草机、剪枝机、电锯等各类园林、 园艺工具、设备及用品。 5 节水灌溉机械与设备、排水灌溉设备、水泵和排水系统等; 6 农业用太阳能机械与设备、工程机械、两头忙、奶制品加工机械、林木 加工机械、运输设备,渔业用品;种苗与花卉;生物质能源、新能源、沼 气建设与利用;设施农业:各类温室机械设备 7 植物保护产品、化肥,农药,杀虫剂,除草剂 禽畜:生鲜制品、禽类、蛋类、添加剂和防腐剂;饲料、肥料、兽医兽 药;花卉,种子,花卉 8 北京华博国际展览有限公司朱海玉 1350 137 6500 010-84536761




第3篇 澳大利亚邀请函范文


invitation letter

november 30th, xx


xxxx, xxxx street,

sydney, nsw xx


mobile: +61 xxxxxxxx

dear sir or madam:

i am writing to confirm that we wish to invite my best friend xxxx to visit me in sydney australia for for their holiday. i hope will be able to come on 20xx.

i am an and in sydney.

my friend xxx resides in china and is submitting application documents, along with this letter, to visa office for processing. as the inviter, i have provided the required materials as well, in order to facilitate the processing.

i hereby make it clear that i will be responsible for all the expenses during my friend travel and stay within australia, including the transportation (both air ticket and local transportation costs), food and board, insurance, recreation, and other all related expenses.

should you require more information, please contact me through mobile or at the address. and our further personal details are attached (including passport, visa, bank statement, and property certificate).

yours faithfully,




第4篇 澳大利亚旅游邀请函



letter of invitation

mr xxx

address: xxxxxxxxxxxx



may 16, 2008

dear visa officer

my name is xxxx, i am studying in griffith university gold coast campus now. my major is bachelor of engineering. i have been australian one year and half form november 2006. i have finished 10 weeks english language studying and diploma of engineering. my study and life is steady-going now, but sometime i feel very lonely and missing my family very much. now i would like to invite my father (mr. xxxxx) to come over here to visit me for a maximum period of three (3) months ideally starting june 2008. i can let my father know my life and study is very well, also i will guide my father to visit the beautiful city—gold coast.

he resides in jinan, shandong, china and he is submitting his application documents, along with this letter, to your office for processing. as the inviter, i have provided the required materials as well, in order to facilitate the processing.

i am eagerly looking forward to your favorable processing and to seeing him soon in australia.

sincerely yours



invitation letter

november 30th, 2014


xxxx, xxxx street,

sydney, nsw 2000


mobile: +61 xxxxxxxx

dear sir or madam:

i am writing to confirm that we wish to invite my best friend xxxx to visit me in sydney australia for for their holiday. i hope will be able to come on 20xx.

i am an and in sydney.

my friend xxx resides in china and is submitting application documents, along with this letter, to visa office for processing. as the inviter, i have provided the required materials as well, in order to facilitate the processing.

i hereby make it clear that i will be responsible for all the expenses during my friend travel and stay within australia, including the transportation (both air ticket and local transportation costs), food and board, insurance, recreation, and other all related expenses.

should you require more information, please contact me through mobile or at the address. and our further personal details are attached (including passport, visa, bank statement, and property certificate).

yours faithfully,






