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第1篇 范文:向国外导师提出攻读学位的申请书

信内地址信端地址从略dear professor smith,professor li xian recommended that i contact you about your department?s program in organic chemistry. i am his assistant and am working in t he institute of environmental chemistry , academia sinica , beijing , china. last year, i graduated from the graduate school of academia sinica with a n ms degree in modern chemistry. since then i have been studying chemical and bi ochemical synthesis of polymer, carbohydrates and natural compounds. this has en abled me to publish several research papers.interested in going to the united states for further studies, i am looking for a n american university which best suits my purpose . i have read some of your boo ks and papers , and have found that your findings and theories are of guiding im portance to my academic pursuits. professor li also told me that your wide exper iences in organic chemistry and the well-equipped laboratories in your universit y would be of great help to me. i am hoping that there will be an opportunity to study under your guidance for a ph. d. degree. i would appreciate any suggesti ons you might have for me concerning formal application procedures or other matt ers.i would also like to know about the possibility of receiving financial support f rom your university. enclosed is a copy of my resume so that you will have additional information abo ut my educational and professional background. if you need any further informati on, i would be happy to send it to you. thank you very much in advance for your attention to these matters. i look forward to hearing from you soon.sincerely yours, wang zhiwei

第2篇 向国外导师提出攻读学位的申请书范文

dear professor smith,

professor li xian recommended that i contact you about your departmets program in organic chemistry. i am his assistant and am working in t he institute of environmental chemistry , academia sinica , beijing , china. last year, i graduated from the graduate school of academia sinica with a n ms degree in modern chemistry. since then i have been studying chemical and bi ochemical synthesis of polymer, carbohydrates and natural compounds. this has en abled me to publish several research papers.interested in going to the united states for further studies, i am looking for a n american university which best suits my purpose . i have read some of your boo ks and papers , and have found that your findings and theories are of guiding im portance to my academic pursuits.

professor li also told me that your wide exper iences in organic chemistry and the well-equipped laboratories in your universit y would be of great help to me. i am hoping that there will be an opportunity to study under your guidance for a ph. d. degree. i would appreciate any suggesti ons you might have for me concerning formal application procedures or other matt ers.i would also like to know about the possibility of receiving financial support f rom your university. enclosed is a copy of my resume so that you will have additional information abo ut my educational and professional background. if you need any further informati on, i would be happy to send it to you.

thank you very much in advance for your attention to these matters. i look forward to hearing from you soon.

sincerely yours, wang zhiwei

第3篇 2022年艺术系导师辞职申请书范文



作为我们xx大学的一名艺术系导师,我已经感到这份工作的难得之处,以及这份工作是我的荣幸,我应该珍惜才对的。可是我在经过了千方百计的思考之后我还是感觉我担不起这个教师的责任。这虽然是我不愿意看到的结果,可是我已经别无他路,我的理想和现实发生了巨大的冲突,我已经无法战胜矛盾了,我决定退却了。 我在学校任教的续签合同(200*年-200*年),到明年将届期终。据合同规定,如一方有变动意向,应在到期前九十天知会对方。经过慎重考虑,我决定在合同到期之日,结束我在本院的教学。 以下是对此决定的说明: 我深知,这一决定出于我对体制的不适应,及不愿适应。国家的进步在于:个人可以在某一事物上抱持不同的立场。我的离去,将中止对教学造成的浪费。我之请辞,非关待遇问题,亦非人事相处的困扰,而是至今不能认同现行人文艺术教育体制。当我对体制背后的国情渐有更深的认知,最妥善的办法,是主动退出为宜。

兹付附件之一,是去年xx外办转请本院外办要我书写的述职报告,经已呈交,因所涉不包括今年,故略作补充。附件之二《教条与功利》,是前年应本院研究所教改会议要求所写,因写在纽约休假期间,回国过了交稿期,迄未呈交,今原稿附上。附件之三《我对本院 学术评价体系报告 的意见》 这三份附件坦率陈述了我对教育体制与本院教学的质疑,谨愿诸位对我请辞的理由有所了解。另有附件之四(近五年来学术活动的粗略报告)及附件之五(关于遗留问题),希请垂顾。

此报告,将同时呈交清华校方、外办、人事办各一份。我的职衔、工作、居留及医疗等证件,合同到期时将会上交,俾便注销。目前借住的团结湖教工宿舍,其入住性质始终未获解释(参看附件之五),何时搬离,听候指示。五年期间,我的教学处处被动而勉强,而光阴无情,业务荒废,我亟盼回到画架前独自工作,继续做个体艺术家。再次衷心感谢学院对我的重用与信赖。我与自己的职称实难匹配,深感惭愧。五年教学是我弥足珍贵的人生经验,虽以请辞告终,但我对本院与教学的感情,恐怕比诸位所能了解的更深。预先感谢院校领导予以批准。 我衷心的希望我的离开不能给学校带来任何的不便和伤害之处,我是衷心希望在我的离开之后,学校的教学成绩能够取得的成就,我的学生也能够在毕业之后找到更好的去处,这是我的希望。若非现实与理想相差如此之远,我也不会辞去我的教师的工作的,这是一份多少人都梦寐以求的工作,在大学里当教师是有着很好的待遇和实现理想的平台,可是却不适合我!








