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发布时间:2022-05-10 热度:15


第1篇 环保演讲稿——最后一片叶子



就在欧·亨利自己的国家美利坚合众国的土地上,不是就有过深刻的历史教训吗?著名总统罗斯福对梅花鹿可谓情有独钟,从这点小小的总统私人利益出发,他便下令对北利亚桑纳州一片茂密的大森林进行大规模扫荡,大批鹿的天敌——狮子、狼等食肉动物被捕杀殆尽。四千多只鹿于是生物爆炸一般,呈几何级数迅猛增长,十几万只伸特长脖子的可爱精灵们,吃光了树上的叶子,仿佛只在转眼问,著名的大森林就从地球上消失了,最后剩下的,只有凡头病鹿。 鲁迅先生说过,悲剧是把美好的东西毁灭给人看。





我们欣喜地看到,可持续发展战略已经纳入了我目的政府行为,我国已颁布了10多部环境保护法, 200多项环境标准,绿化财政,正威为人们的自觉意识,“天人合一”。更是我们千年的愿望,我想我们应该叫响这样一个口号:绿色就是生产力!我省的金沙江等流域,炊坑代木兮,豆之河之干兮现象也已悄然消失。你可能问我,这一切还保不住你那最后一片叶子吗,那么,我要说的是,你还是去问问我们的《国歌》里,为什么至今还要唱“中华民族到了位危险的时候”这一句吧。诚然,正像我们的抗洪收灾能取得决定性胜利所昭示的那样,我们坚信,人类的本事能够挽狂澜于既倒,扶大厦之将倾,但是,常言说的好,人无远虑,必有近忧,居安思危,要防患于朱然。我们怎么能够等到头上见不到日月星辰,满目酸雨纷纷,脚下洪浪滔天,汪洋恣肆,人间无处不飞沙,等到“千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭”时,才悔不当初呢?



第2篇 励志演讲稿:哈佛的最后一课












你可能会问:为什么?但我会问:为什么不是这样?我们,作为稳拿“好工作”的顶尖大学毕业生,有年轻的活力,有社会的认可——我们没什么输不起的。我们也许以为自己所向披靡、高人一等,从而面临迷失自己谦逊与对全人类同理心的危险。但也恰恰由于这种优势,我们随时能以最佳准备状态服务于最富挑战性的愿景,投身于最具挫折性的目标。这不是要我们牺牲健康、财富或快乐去为其他人做牛做马,事实上,我们应该并且必须为了全人类的共同利益有所行动, 这不只是借由个体层面的同情与怜悯,还包括在梦想和卓越层面上进行革新与创造。我们不必放弃自己的生活,恰恰相反,我们可以通过为更多人幸福的奋战来改善自己的生活。


第3篇 乔布斯辞职前最后一次英语演讲稿

cupertino is very famous for apple computer. and we are very honor to have steve jobs tocome here tonight to give us special presentation. mr. jobs?


welcome, mr jobs: you have a fan club here..


thank you. apple's grown like a weed, and as you know, we've always been in cupertino.started in an office par, eventually, got the buildings, we are in now the corner of the ends of280.and those buildings hold maybe 2600 or 2800 people. but we've got almost 12,000 peoplein the area. so we're renting buildings - not very good buildings, either at an ever-greaterradius from our campus and we're putting people in those. it is clear that we need to build newcampus, so we just add space. that doesn't mean we don't need the one we got, we do need it,but we need another one to augment it. so we've got a plan that let's us stay in cupertino.and we went out and we bought some land and this land is kind of special, to me. when i was13, i think, i called up... hewlett and packard were my idols. and i called up bill hewlett, causehe lived in palo alto, and there were no unlisted numbers in the phone book, which gives you aclue to my age. and he picked up the phone and i talked to him and i asked him if he'd giveme some spare parts for something i was building called a frequency counter. and he did,but in addition to that he gave me something way more important. he gave a job thatsummer. a summer job at hewlett-packard, right here (on) in santa clara, off 280, the divisionthat built frequency counters. and i was in heaven. well, right around that e_act moment intime, hewlett and packard themselves were walking on some property over here in cupertino,in pruneridge, and they ended up buying it. and they built their computer systems divisionthere. and as hewlett - packard has been shrinking lately, they decided to sell that propertyand we bought it. we bought that and we bought some adjacent property that all used to beapricot trees, apricot orchards and we've got about 150 acres. and we should like to put a newcampus on that so that we can stay in cupertino. and we've come up - we've hired some greatarchitects to work with, some of the best in the world, i think. and we've come up with a designthat puts 12,000 people in one building. think about that, that''s rather odd 12,000 people in abuilding, in one building. but, we've seen these office parks with lots of building and they getpretty boring pretty fast. so we'd like to do something better than that. and i'd like to takeyou through what we like to do. so this is supposed to work here. here we go. can you see this?so here is we are today, which is on infinite loop drive, against the intersection of d' anza andthe 280.

谢谢大 家。苹果如雨后春笋般快速发展着,而cupertino一直是我们钟爱的土壤。从开始的工业园到现在的办公大楼280号公路尽头的拐弯处,这几栋楼能容纳 2600到2800名员工。可实际上我们的员工数量超过了12022。不得已只能用租些差劲的写字楼给员工办公。所以我想把大家转移到离现有园区不远的一 片区域。我们将用新的园区来扩充办公面积。现有园区也会继续保留,新园区还在cupertino,因为这里对我巨有意义。大小我就是惠普创始人 hewlett和packard的粉丝。hewlett住在palo alto,13岁那年我给他打了个电话,年头所有的电话号码都印在大部头里,不好意思,暴露了我的年龄。我问他是否能送我些零件做频率计数器。他不仅答应 了,还给了我一份工作。惠普的暑期实习,就在snata clara 280号公路旁边,我被分在计频器部门,简直像去了天堂。就在这个时候,惠普在pruneridge买了块地,并在那里设立了计算机系统部。最近惠普并不 景气,有意出售这块不动产,我们就买了下来。顺带还卖笑来原来的一片杏园,总面积有150英亩了。我想在哪儿建个新园区,继续留在cupertino。我 们请来最优秀的设计师,希望设计一栋能容纳12022人的大楼。一栋楼装12022人,是不是跟中国的学生宿舍一样不可思议?你们看过一些工业园区空间拥 挤、设计单调,我们希望改变这一切。给大家看看园区蓝图,看得见么?苹果总部就在这里280号公路和d' anza十字路口的交汇处。

mr jobs, yeah, you drawn as print, that's high-tech we've. use your finger. just point in theair...


what we've done is we bought this land right here. we try to buy the apartments at the cornerbut they are not for sale, so we couldn't buy those. and we bought everything else. and thecampus we like to build there is one building holds 12,000 people. and it is pretty amazingbuilding. let me show it to you. it's a little like a spaceship landed, there it is, and it's got thisgorgeous courtyard in the middle, but a lot more. so let's take a close look at it. it's a circle.it's curved all the way around. if you build things, this is not the cheapest way to buildsomething. there is not a straight piece of glass in this building. it's all curved. we've used oure_perience making retail buildings all over the world now, and we know how to make thebiggest pieces of glass in the world for architectural use. we can make it curve all the wayaround the building. and you can see what it look like. it is pretty cool. again, today, about20% of the space is landscaping, several big asphalt parking lots. so 20% of this is landscape,we want to completely change this. and we want to make 80% of landscape, and the waywe're gonna do this is we're gonna put most of the parking underground. so we can have 80%of landscape, and you can see what we've in mind. i mean there is nothing like this in theproperty now. it's pretty bad. today there are 3700 trees on the property we'd like to justalmost double that. we've hired one of the senior arborists from stanford actually who is verygood with indigenous trees around this area. so we'd like to plant a lot of trees including someapricot orchards. again you can see what it might be like. this is some of the infrastructure.the main building, we have parking underneath the main building. that's not enoughunfortunately. we have a parking structure here as well. the building's four stories high as isthe parking structure. there's nothing high here at all. we want the whole place human scale.it's actually about the same as we have in cupertino right now.. an energy center. we deal with- people using, sitting at computers all day writing software. and if the power goes out on thegrid we get to send everybody home. so we have to have backup power to power the place inthe event brownouts and stuff. and i think what we're gonna end up doing is making theenergy center our primary source of power. because we can generate power with natural gasand other ways that can be cleaner and cheaper and use the grid as our backup. we've got anauditorium because we put on presentations. much like we did yesterday but we have to go tosan francisco to do them. fitness center and some r&d facilities, these are just thingsthat where we do testing and we need some buildings to test in and there's hardly any peoplein them. so this is roughly the kind of thing we're thinking about. we think about 12,000people, i put 13,000 on the slides, just because we may make a little luckier than 12,000.we're up roughly 40% in people v.s. what the site has been used for already and we'reincreasing space to 3.1 million square feet. so 20% increase in space. the landscaping thoughincreases by 350%, which is nice, trees by 60%. the surface parking goes down by 90%. andso i think the overall feeling of the place is gonna be zillion times better than it is now with allthe asphalt. and the building footprint actually goes down by 30%. so, we wanna take thespace and in many cases making it smaller. we're putting more of desirable things on thespace and that's what we like to do. so just wanna give you a look at it. this is a cafe. we havecafe as our facilities. and this cafe will, you know, feed the better part of the 3,000 peoplesitting. that's what you need when you 12,000 people in the campus. so that's what we'relooking at. i'd love to answer your questions if you have any.

我们买下这 块地,本来还想买这初拐角,可对方不卖,我们又不能强拆,所以只得放弃。我们打算在园区里建一栋楼,容纳12022人。听起来很炫,看起来更炫。华丽吧! 像不像太空飞船?中间还有个大院子,还不止呢。让我们凑近了看,办公室的外观是个圆环。体形优美,造价不菲,所有的玻璃都是弧形的线条。我们建造苹果零售 店的经验派上用场了。硕大的弧形玻璃难不倒我们。让玻璃墙绕场一周。是不是很酷。目前整个园区只有20%的绿化,浪费了不少地方。我们向来一次乾坤大挪 移。把停车场统统发配到地下,让绿化面积从20%暴增到80%。目的不言而喻,我们课不想像别的园区那样被人诟病。目前园区里有3800棵树,未来会翻一 倍。我们聘请斯坦福的园林设计师来设计园区。除了杏树,还会种其他植物。这是建成后的样子。这是我们的主楼,设有地下停车场。可惜地下停车场不够用,所以 我们另设了一处停车点。新办公楼是一座四层圆形建筑,中间有一个大庭院。摩天大厦我不感冒,我喜欢矮建筑。保持和cupertino现有建筑的高度一致。 我们的工作要对着电脑一刻不停的写程序,所以正常的工作离不开能源中心。要是没电,大家只能回家洗了睡。所以需要后备电源,能源中心将用天然气或其他绿色 能源发电。我们希望将其作为主要的电力来源,把国家电网用作后备电源。这里将修建一个大礼堂,我们就不用像昨天那样跑到旧金山去开会了。这里是健身中心和 研发大楼,这个地方专门用来做测试,里面木有员工。这就是我们的设想。苹果现有12022员工,但可能增加到13000人。将来这里可以多容纳40%的员 工,增加20%的使用面积,这样总面积大道了310万平方英尺。绿化面积增长350%,这个就厉害啦,植树量增长60%,地上停车面积减少90%。你会自 上这片土地的,这比一滴沥青给力多了。建筑占地面积将减少30%。减少建筑面积。这样有更多的空间留给想象力去发挥。这里是间咖啡厅,这个可以有,你懂 的。它能容纳3000人同时就餐。足足有12022名员工在此贡献智慧,所以我们需要那么大的容量。我的介绍到此为止,有什么问题吗?

thank you, mr jobs. and we're really e_cited that you call apple our home. if you go to yourshop at anything they have a t-shirt that says the mother ship has landed, and if you look atthis picture, definitely the mother ship has landed here in cupertino. is there any questions orcomments from council colleagues, council member wang?


hi, steve.




quick question, i think people are curious to know what the city residence can benefit fromthis new campus.


well, as you know, we're the largest ta_ payer in cupertino, so we'd like to continue to stay hereand pay ta_es. that's number one. because if we can't, then we go have to somewhere likemountain view. and we take up people with us, we give up and over years sell the land here,and the largest ta_ base would go away. that wouldn't be good for cupertino.

我们是cupertino的纳税大户,你懂得,我们很高兴能留下来继续缴税,这点最重要。如果新园区项目流产,我们不得不另栖他处,比如mountain view.。我们只有带着员工离开,把地卖掉。我想cupertino不会希望缴税大户离开。

no of course not.


and wouldn't be good for us either, so that's number one. and number two, we employ somereally talented great people and across the whole age spectrum. a lot of people right out ofcollage, hire a lot of stanford grads, etc, and you know people in their 50s and even 60s, likeme i'm in my 50s. so i think there's a lot of them wanna live around where they work. we havea lot of people riding bikes to work now. we also run a bus service. we got 20 buses that run onbio-diesel fuel. they are the cleanest bus that you can buy. we've got 20 of them doing routesall the way from san francisco to santa cruz bringing people in. so, those are the kinds ofthings could benefit cupertino. and influ_ of ta_ base, and influ_ of very talented peoplewho are, you know, getting paid. we put them in a fairly affluent group of people, and many ofthem would choose to make cupertino their personal home as well as professional home. ithink there is a lot there plusia whole lot of trees.

我们也不想,所以这是第一条。此 外,我们雇佣了很多优秀人才,各个年龄阶段的人都有。我雇了很多大学毕业生,比如斯坦福大学,还有50、60岁的员工,像我就是。在这里安家会是他们的首 选。现在就有很多员工选择骑自行车去上班,我们也有公共交通系统,20辆烧生物燃料的班车,是目前最环保的车。这20辆班车目前正在旧金山和圣克鲁兹之间 来回运行。这些都能让cupertino受益。给cupertino带来稳定的税收,优秀的人才,这些人收入颇丰,他们多半还会选择定居此地(拉动消 费),当然,还有大片的数目和景观咯。

sure. those are great things. thank you be more specific. do we get free wi-fi or somethinglike that?


well, see i'm always i'm a simpleton. i've always had the view that we pay ta_es and the cityshould do those things. now, if we can get out of paying ta_es, i'd be glad to put up wi-fi.


wish you use our sales ta_, part of that to provide ipad of something to our residence and thenget a free wi-fi.


yeah, i think we bring a lot more than free wi-fi and so.


totally agree, well, thank you so much.




council member mahoney?


yeah, so, first of all, it was interesting, you throwback to hp. as 35-year hp employee, mostof it on the cupertino campus in those buildings there, obviously felt sorry when i heard thatthey were consolidating moving. but now that we've seen your plans, you know, the wordsspectacular would be an understatement, and i think that everybody is gonna appreciatewhat's clearly is gonna be the most elegant headquarters, you know, at least in the us thati've seen. so we definitely appreciate that the work is gone into it and look forward to workingwith you moving through the process.

你 回首了惠普的往事,让我深有感触。我在惠普工作过35年,一直呆在惠普位于cupertino的园区里,所以惠普离开cupertino,我很舍不得。现 在看到你的蓝图,我是心驰神往啊。大家都觉得这里就像是美丽的潘多拉星球,至少是美国的潘多拉。你们选择了cupertino,我们非常荣幸,也会尽最大 的努力帮助你们。

thank you. i think we do have a shot of building the best office building in the world. and ireally do think architecture students will come here to see this. i think it could be that good.




yeah, thank you. council member chang?


yeah, mr. jobs, thank you very much for coming. we met the city manager and i met mr. cook,and mr. miner, and also terri on your campus, uh, and see the concept. it's very good one. ido have question about at the time they mentioned about the current infinite loop will remainthe same. the employee will stay there, right?


yeah, we need both to hold everybody.


so now host about 8000 to 9000 people.


no no no, about 2600.


2600 okay. and then this one will hold 13,000?


12,000. that's our current.


alright. and then my concern is last time i forgot to ask terri about the safety issue. becauseyou know you have only one building and have so many people there. so all the safety will beput into consideration like fire and everything.


oh, of course. we spend a ton of time identifying and hiring who we think are best people inthe world and doing what we do. the last thing we want is for anybody to get hurt. okay, yeah,of course, we're gonna. i mean the whole building has to be designed with pretty preciserequirements for safety. but we'll do beyond those.


sure, and then the second question is because the increase of the employment, the resident isconcerned also about the traffic. so, do you have any plan to deviate the traffic?


well, we're not increasing the employment by much .


you're not?






it's by like 20%. so we're not increasing it by much.


also, i know you care about the air quality. i understand that you will not allow anyemployee smoking inside the building, right?


correct. both my parents died of lung cancer from smoking. so i'm little sensitive on thattopic.


sure, so, just want to let you be aware. i don't know if you're aware that there's a cementplant nearby with air pollution to this area. are you concerned about that? are you aware ofthat?


what is that?


the cement plant is polluting the air in the entire area.


the cement plant. that's the kaise?


yeah, 24001 stevens creek.

正式stevens creek路24001号。

i grew up about 5 blocks away from that, or 6 blocks away. so, i'm pretty familiar with thekaiser plant. okay, and yeah,i think it would be great of the kaise plant wasn't there, but youknow, they bought the land fair and square. so, probably they are not going anywhere. but ifyou kick kaiser out, i wouldn't cry.

我从小在这长大, 所以他们的情况我很清楚。当然,没它更好。可毕竟是人家的地盘,又不能强拆,所以我忍。当然,如果你找城管把它拆了,我绝对拥护。

alright, thank you.


thank you, council member chang. council member wang, you have a very quick questionright?


yeah, very quick question. steve, can you give us estimate timeline on when you plan to submitthe plan and when you're gonna do the ground breaking and when we can see the raw building.


yeah, well, i ask that question a lot of our people too. we wanna submit plans fairly quickly.wewanna break ground ne_t year and we wanna move in 2022.


2022?okay, alright, very good. thank you so so much and we're really honored to have you tobe here. i know it's not easy to get you here. and i think that your technology is really makingeverybody proud and you're putting cupertino in together with apple. now, we're really proudof it. 2022?


well, thanks. we're proud to be in cupertino too.


thank you, council member wang. i think she stole my question to ask you when did you breakgrounds so she can start collecting those. ne_t year, sales ta_ dollars from you. e_actly, e_actly,e_actly, but you know, when chris and i met mr. jobs, you know, i found a little bit more abouthim is that actually he's a hometown boy graduated from cupertino middle school where mydaughter is going, homestead high school. so, mr jobs is very well familiar with the city ofcuperino. so, we're very fortunate that you founded here in cuperino. you started to e_pandhere in cupertino. there're many choices across the country and i'm sure that many governorsand many mayors said please come to us, but you decided to stay here and i think it's becausecupertino is such and innovative place, a diverse place, and education-wise that we have suchwonderful schools here some other students on how they got awarded in our school that aredoing so well. one thing that i wanna ask you is to keep in mind is giving back to thecommunity and one thing that we would love to do. i'm sure that our staff will talk about isthat we don't like going to valley or los gatos for an apple store. we would love to have anapple store here cupertino. and i can assure you, i even have, you know, my ipad 2 here,which i love, you know, so cooperate with me, but you know, it's a wonderful technology andmy 11-year-old girl just loves this ipad2.

谢 谢王委员。我想她关心开工时间,是等着明年征你们的税呢。算起来,乔总是我老乡,和我女儿是校友。所以他对cupertino非常熟悉,他把苹果种在这 里,让它生根发芽。你本来可以去别的地方种苹果,而且我肯定别的城市也企图诱拐苹果,但是你最终决定留下,因为你觉得应该与cupertino的创新和多 元化不无关系。而且我们有很好的学校,咱们这儿的学生也个个出类拔萃,我只简单提点期望,希望你们回馈社会,为社区做点贡献,我们将感激不尽。 cupertino居然没有苹果专卖店,我和我的同事们不得不去valley或los gatos去买苹果,我们非常希望有苹果专卖店在cupertino。你敢开,我就敢买,看看我手头的ipad2我的心头肉啊,ipad2是个好 ipad, 我11岁的闺女都爱不释手。

good. yeah. the problem with putting an apple store in cupertino is just isn't the traffic. soi'm afraid it might not be successful. if we thought it would be successful, we'd love to.


we'll help you make it successful. again, thank you very much for coming with me. i'm surethat you guys are very lucky to hear this very historical moment that, you know, you hear about5 years ago, was it chris? that you made the announcement you bought the 55 acres thenyou bought another 100 acres from hp. and apple is truly the technology of innovation andour city staff and city council looks very forward to working with you and helping you succeedhere in our community.


thank you very much.


let's give a big round of applause for mr. steve jobs. thank you.


第4篇 高三最后一次国旗下演讲稿


三年逐梦 六月花开

尊敬的领导 老师 高一高二的学弟学妹们 高三同胞们,大家上午好。

浓情六月,流光溢彩。又到了圆梦与离别的季节。历三载酸甜苦辣,共一场青春银河。今天,我国旗下演讲的题目是《三年逐梦 六月花开》






第5篇 高考励志学生演讲稿 最后的冲刺


















第6篇 珍爱生命演讲稿 最后一片叶子



就在欧·亨利自己的国家美利坚合众国的土地上,不是就有过深刻的历史教训吗 著名总统罗斯福对梅花鹿可谓情有独钟,从这点小小的总统私人利益出发,他便下令对北利亚桑纳州一片茂密的大森林进行大规模扫荡,大批鹿的天敌----狮子,狼等食肉动物被捕杀殆尽.四千多只鹿于是生物爆炸一般,呈几何级数迅猛增长,十几万只伸特长脖子的可爱精灵们,吃光了树上的叶子,仿佛只在转眼问,著名的大森林就从地球上消失了,最后剩下的,只有凡头病鹿. 鲁迅先生说过,悲剧是把美好的东西毁灭给人看.

在我省南部,有一个美丽的地方,她向来就被人们称为镶嵌在我们这个植物王国皇冠上的一颗绿宝石.她的美丽,当然是绿色赋予的.可是,就在这绿宝石之上,有8家红砖厂的大烟囱,不分昼夜地喷吐着氟化物和二氧化硫严重超标的浓烟,致使1262亩的天然橡胶林受害,三万零五百株橡胶树为之枯死,胶民们虽然怨气沸腾,却眼睁睁地奈何不了它,无独有偶,在同一纬度的广西某地,也上演过惊人相似的一幕,如果说那一幕还有点不同的话,就是红砖厂的废气除了使大面积胶林枯死外,还造成50多亩芒果只开花不结果,出现果荒.我们知道,天然橡胶是目前地球上极为少有的自然资源,仅生长在赤过附近,我们也知道,芒果是公认的'水果之王',那么何以会出现上面那样的情况呢 ----因为红泥巴变成砖块,只需要几天的时间,远比橡胶芒果来钱要快!


我的一个同事的办公桌上,摆着个木制的水杯,是什么木呢 红豆衫.昆明植物研究所的专家们,从世界珍稀植物红豆杉树皮里,提出了炖度达99.9% 以上的抗癌新药紫杉醇,可没料到的是随后发生的事,竟会令这些专家们痛心疾首,老泪纵横,滇东北相当数量的红豆杉被人剥光了树皮,砍光了枝叶,连树根也被拔走.因为一个商业秘密被公开,1克紫杉醇在国际上可卖到1万美元,那些人还相信一个神话,红豆杉做成的水杯,容忍,甚至根雕可以防癌.

在’99昆明世博会期间,谈论这样沉重的话题,或许不大会时宜.知我者谓我心忧,不知我者谓我何求 我们知道,当今世界性的十大环境问题,即气候变暖,臭氧层破坏,生物多样性减少,酸雨蔓延,森林锐减,土地荒漠化,大气污染等,这其中就有9项是因绿色植被遇破坏直接导致的.楼房越益越高,生活越来越好,绿色却越来越少,越来越远,有感于此,我曾写下过这样的诗句:烟囱长成了森林/钢筋和混凝土切断了视线/我的瞳孔里就再没有了绿色/那天空的湛蓝呢/那海水的碧绿呢/那河流的清亮呢/那空气的爽朗呢.



我们欣喜地看到,可持续发展战略已经纳入了我目的政府行为,我国已颁布了10多部环境保护法, 200多项环境标准,绿化财政,正威为人们的自觉意识,'天人合一'.更是我们千年的愿望,我想我们应该叫响这样一个口号:绿色就是生产力!我省的金沙江等流域,炊坑代木兮,豆之河之干兮现象也已悄然消失.你可能问我,这一切还保不住你那最后一片叶子吗,那么,我要说的是,你还是去问问我们的《国歌》里,为什么至今还要唱'中华民族到了位危险的时候'这一句吧.诚然,正像我们的抗洪收灾能取得决定性胜利所昭示的那样,我们坚信,人类的本事能够挽狂澜于既倒,扶大厦之将倾,但是,常言说的好,人无远虑,必有近忧,居安思危,要防患于朱然.我们怎么能够等到头上见不到日月星辰,满目酸雨纷纷,脚下洪浪滔天,汪洋恣肆,人间无处不飞沙,等到'千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭'时,才悔不当初呢



第7篇 搞好期末复习和最后的考试 升旗仪式演讲稿








>>《搞好期末复习和最后的考试 升旗仪式演讲稿》

第8篇 九年级学生最后一周国旗下演讲稿





清楚记得,七年级时体育我几乎次次倒数,跑完我就哭,哭得绝望不已。 但是我怕天怕地怕老师,唯一不怕的就是吃苦。老师让跑15圈,我就跑15圈,一圈不落。一年两年三年,九年级长跑满分简直小菜一碟。








我不去想,是否能够成功,既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程;我不去想,身后会不会袭来寒风,既然目标是地平线,留给世界的,只能是背影;我不去想,未来是平坦,还是泥泞,只要奋力拼搏,一切, 都在意料之中!

第9篇 高三学生演讲稿《最后一次演讲》







说了这么多,是该提提眼前的高考了。从孩提时代的我要上清华北大,到青涩时期的名牌大学,再到现在略显窘迫的是大学都上,大部分人和我一样彷徨,压抑。 虽然历史的巨轮无数次碾压过后印证了“高考终会有人失败”的真理,但我们的人生并不会因此结束,杯具的结尾可能恰恰是洗具的开始。诚然,高考对人是一次巨大的挑战,但高考并不是阻止我们前进的障碍物,它更像是一个设置在广阔平原上的收费站,过后,你仍然要选择未来的方向。





第10篇 最后一片叶子(环保演讲稿)

朋友们: 读过美国著名作家欧·亨利小说《最后一片叶子》的人,想必还记得这句话:“当最后一片叶子落下时,生命就都结束了,我也得离开这个世界而去了。…酷爱生活的女画家约翰西,患了肺炎濒临大限时,“害怕在她轻轻抓着这个世界的手越来越乏力的时候,她会真的像一片轻轻的、纤弱的叶子那样,随深秋的寒凤飘逝而去”。

初读这篇小说时,少年不识愁滋味,对主人公那仿佛病态的痴语我并不以为然,而正是在人类对绿色顶礼膜拜,绿色食品,绿色能源、绿色电脑、绿色冰箱,绿色建筑被人们广为崇尚的今天,重读小说《最后一片叶子》,才感悟到,这分明是一个寓言故事,约翰西的心语,分明是谷世之言,大籁希声。 就在欧·亨利自己的国家美利坚合众国的土地上,不是就有过深刻的历史教训吗?著名总统罗斯福对梅花鹿可谓情有独钟,从这点小小的总统私人利益出发,他便下令对北利亚桑纳州一片茂密的大森林进行大规模扫荡,大批鹿的天敌----狮子、狼等食肉动物被捕杀殆尽。四千多只鹿于是生物爆炸一般,呈几何级数迅猛增长,十几万只伸特长脖子的可爱精灵们,吃光了树上的叶子,仿佛只在转眼问,著名的大森林就从地球上消失了,最后剩下的,只有凡头病鹿。 鲁迅先生说过,悲剧是把美好的东西毁灭给人看。

在我省南部,有一个美丽的地方,她向来就被人们称为镶嵌在我们这个植物王国皇冠上的一颗绿宝石。她的美丽,当然是绿色赋予的。可是,就在这绿宝石之上,有8家红砖厂的大烟囱,不分昼夜地喷吐着氟化物和二氧化硫严重超标的浓烟,致使1262亩的天然橡胶林受害,三万零五百株橡胶树为之枯死,胶民们虽然怨气沸腾,却眼睁睁地奈何不了它,无独有偶,在同一纬度的广西某地,也上演过惊人相似的一幕,如果说那一幕还有点不同的话,就是红砖厂的废气除了使大面积胶林枯死外,还造成50多亩芒果只开花不结果,出现果荒。我们知道,天然橡胶是目前地球上极为少有的自然资源,仅生长在赤过附近,我们也知道,芒果是公认的“水果之王”,那么何以会出现上面那样的情况呢?----因为红泥巴变成砖块,只需要几天的时间,远比橡胶芒果来钱要快! 绿色是和平和生命的象征。

在很小的时候,我的心便融进了一个绿色的海洋。穿了十凡年国防绿的我,在老山战区那片阳光充足,绿色位浓的亚热带丛林中,度过了人生位美好的一段年华。就是在那样一个空气、阳光、风雨充足的天然大氧吧里,我步入了而立之年。此生最难忘的,能维系裁生命的,大概就只有那特殊的一片绿色了。而事实上,那片我魂牵梦紫的土地至今还不富裕,一些地方生产力水平低下,社会发育程度不高,边民的农事,至今还离不开刀耕火种,纵火烧荒。我曾目赌过两个边民合伙买一盒火柴平分的事,开始想当然地以为他们太穷,买不起一盒囫囵的火柴,后来才发现,在他们的生活里,四季灶膛火不断,一根火柴烧一年,大树小树变成灰。我能给他们的,就是一个毫无用处的忠告:可别把咱的林子都烧光了呀。 我的一个同事的办公桌上,摆着个木制的水杯,是什么木呢?红豆衫。昆明植物研究所的专家们,从世界珍稀植物红豆杉树皮里,提出了炖度达99.9% 以上的抗癌新药紫杉醇,可没料到的是随后发生的事,竟会令这些专家们痛心疾首,老泪纵横,滇东北相当数量的红豆杉被人剥光了树皮,砍光了枝叶,连树根也被拔走。因为一个商业秘密被公开,1克紫杉醇在国际上可卖到1万美元,那些人还相信一个神话,红豆杉做成的水杯、容忍,甚至根雕可以防癌。 在99昆明世博会期间,谈论这样沉重的话题,或许不大会时宜。

知我者谓我心忧,不知我者谓我何求?我们知道,当今世界性的十大环境问题,即气候变暖、臭氧层破坏、生物多样性减少、酸雨蔓延、森林锐减、土地荒漠化,大气污染等,这其中就有9项是因绿色植被遇破坏直接导致的。楼房越益越高,生活越来越好,绿色却越来越少,越来越远,有感于此,我曾写下过这样的诗句:烟囱长成了森林/钢筋和混凝土切断了视线/我的瞳孔里就再没有了绿色/那天空的湛蓝呢/那海水的碧绿呢/那河流的清亮呢/那空气的爽朗呢。 人类只有一个地球,我们对这个星球上的生态系统有着永远摆脱不究的依赖性,需要地球源源不断地提供植物和动物的食物,需要有足够厚度的大气层,来保护人类不受过高成过低气温,以及过量紫外线的伤害,需要地球提供足够量的水和氧气来维持生命的存在,而没有了绿色,这一切岂不成了无本之源,好比毛长在皮子上,没有了皮,毛又咋生根? 绿色锐减,吞噬绿色的,正是人类自己,是人类发展模式中那种对自然资源的掠夺性、破坏性开采。人类对绿色的无尽索取仍在威胁着生态平衡,破坏着生态的结构。

据(一个保守的数字)统计,全世界每年有2000万公顷森林横遭盲目砍伐,这是5700个昆明市的面积啊。这已经造成了全球性的“温室效应”,与之相连,全世界每年有近5万个物种濒临灭绝,有近2700万公顷的农田蒙受沙漠化之灾,就连海底也日趋沙漠化,就不必再说那令我们痛心的去年在华夏大地发生长江、松嫩大灾了吧,也不必说我省的泥石流,山体滑坡了吧。如此盲目的行动如果得不到有效的制止和改变,势必爆发可怕的生态危机,而一旦它的爆发起出了人类控制的极限,其后果不堪想象。那时,我们都会明白,最后一片落叶将带走人类的命运,也决不是危言耸听。 我们欣喜地看到,可持续发展战略已经纳入了我目的政府行为,我国已颁布了10多部环境保护法, 200多项环境标准,绿化财政,正威为人们的自觉意识,“天人合一”.更是我们千年的愿望,我想我们应该叫响这样一个口号:绿色就是生产力!我省的金沙江等流域,炊坑代木兮,豆之河之干兮现象也已悄然消失。你可能问我,这一切还保不住你那最后一片叶子吗,那么,我要说的是,你还是去问问我们的《国歌》里,为什么至今还要唱“中华民族到了位危险的时候”这一句吧。

诚然,正像我们的抗洪收灾能取得决定性胜利所昭示的那样,我们坚信,人类的本事能够挽狂澜于既倒,扶大厦之将倾,但是,常言说的好,人无远虑,必有近忧,居安思危,要防患于朱然。我们怎么能够等到头上见不到日月星辰,满目酸雨纷纷,脚下洪浪滔天,汪洋恣肆,人间无处不飞沙,等到“千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭”时,才悔不当初呢? 聪明的作家欧·亨利是以其“欧·亨利式的结尾”著称于世的,那最后一片不凋的叶子,带来的是一个危亡病人的新生。我想,我们也会创造出另一个欧·享利式的结尾,迎来人类新生的。坐以待毙,从来就不是人类的选择,人类既已觉臣,就会在危机面前积极行动起来,把握历史机遇,化压力为动力,保卫绿色,保护我们共有的家圈。 面对现实,我们迎接挑战,展望未来,我们充满信心。

第11篇 高考学生励志演讲稿——最后的冲刺


















第12篇 奥巴马总统发表任内最后一次国情咨文英语演讲稿

mr. speaker, mr. vice president, members of congress, my fellow americans:

tonight marks the eighth year i've come here to report on the state of the union. and for thisfinal one, i'm going to try to make it shorter. i know some of you are antsy to get back to iowa.

i also understand that because it's an election season, e_pectations for what we'll achievethis year are low. still, mr. speaker, i appreciate the constructive approach you and theother leaders took at the end of last year to pass a budget and make ta_ cuts permanent forworking families. so i hope we can work together this year on bipartisan priorities like criminaljustice reform, and helping people who are battling prescription drug abuse. we just mightsurprise the cynics again.

but tonight, i want to go easy on the traditional list of proposals for the year ahead. don'tworry, i've got plenty, from helping students learn to write computer code to personalizingmedical treatments for patients. and i'll keep pushing for progress on the work that still needsdoing. fi_ing a broken immigration system. protecting our kids from gun violence. equal payfor equal work, paid leave, raising the minimum wage. all these things still matter tohardworking families; they are still the right thing to do; and i will not let up until they getdone.

but for my final address to this chamber, i don't want to talk just about the ne_t year. i wantto focus on the ne_t five years, ten years, and beyond.

i want to focus on our future.

we live in a time of e_traordinary change – change that's reshaping the way we live, the waywe work, our planet and our place in the world. it's change that promises amazing medicalbreakthroughs, but also economic disruptions that strain working families. it promiseseducation for girls in the most remote villages, but also connects terrorists plotting an oceanaway. it's change that can broaden opportunity, or widen inequality. and whether we like itor not, the pace of this change will only accelerate.

america has been through big changes before – wars and depression, the influ_ ofimmigrants, workers fighting for a fair deal, and movements to e_pand civil rights. each time,there have been those who told us to fear the future; who claimed we could slam the brakes onchange, promising to restore past glory if we just got some group or idea that wasthreatening america under control. and each time, we overcame those fears. we did not, inthe words of lincoln, adhere to the “dogmas of the quiet past.” instead we thought anew, andacted anew. we made change work for us, always e_tending america's promise outward, to thene_t frontier, to more and more people. and because we did – because we saw opportunitywhere others saw only peril – we emerged stronger and better than before.

what was true then can be true now. our unique strengths as a nation – our optimism andwork ethic, our spirit of discovery and innovation, our diversity and commitment to the ruleof law – these things give us everything we need to ensure prosperity and security forgenerations to come.

in fact, it's that spirit that made the progress of these past seven years possible. it's how werecovered from the worst economic crisis in generations. it's how we reformed our health caresystem, and reinvented our energy sector; how we delivered more care and benefits to ourtroops and veterans, and how we secured the freedom in every state to marry the person welove.

but such progress is not inevitable. it is the result of choices we make together. and we facesuch choices right now. will we respond to the changes of our time with fear, turning inward asa nation, and turning against each other as a people? or will we face the future withconfidence in who we are, what we stand for, and the incredible things we can do together?

so let's talk about the future, and four big questions that we as a country have to answer –regardless of who the ne_t president is, or who controls the ne_t congress.

first, how do we give everyone a fair shot at opportunity and security in this new economy?

second, how do we make technology work for us, and not against us – especially when it comesto solving urgent challenges like climate change?

third, how do we keep america safe and lead the world without becoming its policeman?

and finally, how can we make our politics reflect what's best in us, and not what's worst?

let me start with the economy, and a basic fact: the united states of america, right now, hasthe strongest, most durable economy in the world. we're in the middle of the longest streakof private-sector job creation in history. more than 14 million new jobs; the strongest two yearsof job growth since the ‘90s; an unemployment rate cut in half. our auto industry just had itsbest year ever. manufacturing has created nearly 900,000 new jobs in the past si_ years. andwe've done all this while cutting our deficits by almost three-quarters.

anyone claiming that america's economy is in decline is peddling fiction. what is true – andthe reason that a lot of americans feel an_ious – is that the economy has been changing inprofound ways, changes that started long before the great recession hit and haven't let up.today, technology doesn't just replace jobs on the assembly line, but any job where work canbe automated. companies in a global economy can locate anywhere, and face toughercompetition. as a result, workers have less leverage for a raise. companies have less loyaltyto their communities. and more and more wealth and income is concentrated at the very top.

all these trends have squeezed workers, even when they have jobs; even when the economy isgrowing. it's made it harder for a hardworking family to pull itself out of poverty, harder foryoung people to start on their careers, and tougher for workers to retire when they want to. andalthough none of these trends are unique to america, they do offend our uniquely americanbelief that everybody who works hard should get a fair shot.

for the past seven years, our goal has been a growing economy that works better for everybody.we've made progress. but we need to make more. and despite all the political arguments we'vehad these past few years, there are some areas where americans broadly agree.

we agree that real opportunity requires every american to get the education and training theyneed to land a good-paying job. the bipartisan reform of no child left behind was animportant start, and together, we've increased early childhood education, lifted high schoolgraduation rates to new highs, and boosted graduates in fields like engineering. in the comingyears, we should build on that progress, by providing pre-k for all, offering every student thehands-on computer science and math classes that make them job-ready on day one, and weshould recruit and support more great teachers for our kids.

and we have to make college affordable for every american. because no hardworking studentshould be stuck in the red. we've already reduced student loan payments to ten percent of aborrower's income. now, we've actually got to cut the cost of college. providing two years ofcommunity college at no cost for every responsible student is one of the best ways to do that,and i'm going to keep fighting to get that started this year.

of course, a great education isn't all we need in this new economy. we also need benefits andprotections that provide a basic measure of security. after all, it's not much of a stretch tosay that some of the only people in america who are going to work the same job, in the sameplace, with a health and retirement package, for 30 years, are sitting in this chamber. foreveryone else, especially folks in their forties and fifties, saving for retirement or bouncing backfrom job loss has gotten a lot tougher. americans understand that at some point in theircareers, they may have to retool and retrain. but they shouldn't lose what they've alreadyworked so hard to build.

that's why social security and medicare are more important than ever; we shouldn't weakenthem, we should strengthen them. and for americans short of retirement, basic benefitsshould be just as mobile as everything else is today. that's what the affordable care act is allabout. it's about filling the gaps in employer-based care so that when we lose a job, or go backto school, or start that new business, we'll still have coverage. nearly eighteen million havegained coverage so far. health care inflation has slowed. and our businesses have created jobsevery single month since it became law.

now, i'm guessing we won't agree on health care anytime soon. but there should be other waysboth parties can improve economic security. say a hardworking american loses his job – weshouldn't just make sure he can get unemployment insurance; we should make sure thatprogram encourages him to retrain for a business that's ready to hire him. if that new jobdoesn't pay as much, there should be a system of wage insurance in place so that he can stillpay his bills. and even if he's going from job to job, he should still be able to save forretirement and take his savings with him. that's the way we make the new economy workbetter for everyone.

i also know speaker ryan has talked about his interest in tackling poverty. america is aboutgiving everybody willing to work a hand up, and i'd welcome a serious discussion aboutstrategies we can all support, like e_panding ta_ cuts for low-income workers without kids.

but there are other areas where it's been more difficult to find agreement over the last sevenyears – namely what role the government should play in making sure the system's not rigged infavor of the wealthiest and biggest corporations. and here, the american people have a choiceto make.

i believe a thriving private sector is the lifeblood of our economy. i think there are outdatedregulations that need to be changed, and there's red tape that needs to be cut. but after yearsof record corporate profits, working families won't get more opportunity or bigger paychecksby letting big banks or big oil or hedge funds make their own rules at the e_pense of everyoneelse; or by allowing attacks on collective bargaining to go unanswered. food stamp recipientsdidn't cause the financial crisis; recklessness on wall street did. immigrants aren't the reasonwages haven't gone up enough; those decisions are made in the boardrooms that too often putquarterly earnings over long-term returns. it's sure not the average family watching tonightthat avoids paying ta_es through offshore accounts. in this new economy, workers and start-upsand small businesses need more of a voice, not less. the rules should work for them. and thisyear i plan to lift up the many businesses who've figured out that doing right by their workersends up being good for their shareholders, their customers, and their communities, so that wecan spread those best practices across america.

in fact, many of our best corporate citizens are also our most creative. this brings me to thesecond big question we have to answer as a country: how do we reignite that spirit ofinnovation to meet our biggest challenges?

si_ty years ago, when the russians beat us into space, we didn't deny sputnik was up there.we didn't argue about the science, or shrink our research and development budget. we built aspace program almost overnight, and twelve years later, we were walking on the moon.

that spirit of discovery is in our dna. we're thomas edison and the wright brothers andgeorge washington carver. we're grace hopper and katherine johnson and sally ride. we'reevery immigrant and entrepreneur from boston to austin to silicon valley racing to shape abetter world. and over the past seven years, we've nurtured that spirit.

we've protected an open internet, and taken bold new steps to get more students and low-income americans online. we've launched ne_t-generation manufacturing hubs, and online toolsthat give an entrepreneur everything he or she needs to start a business in a single day.

but we can do so much more. last year, vice president biden said that with a new moonshot,america can cure cancer. last month, he worked with this congress to give scientists at thenational institutes of health the strongest resources they've had in over a decade. tonight, i'mannouncing a new national effort to get it done. and because he's gone to the mat for all of us,on so many issues over the past forty years, i'm putting joe in charge of mission control. forthe loved ones we've all lost, for the family we can still save, let's make america the countrythat cures cancer once and for all.

medical research is critical. we need the same level of commitment when it comes todeveloping clean energy sources.

look, if anybody still wants to dispute the science around climate change, have at it. you'll bepretty lonely, because you'll be debating our military, most of america's business leaders, themajority of the american people, almost the entire scientific community, and 200 nationsaround the world who agree it's a problem and intend to solve it.

but even if the planet wasn't at stake; even if 2022 wasn't the warmest year on record – until2022 turned out even hotter – why would we want to pass up the chance for americanbusinesses to produce and sell the energy of the future?

seven years ago, we made the single biggest investment in clean energy in our history. hereare the results. in fields from iowa to te_as, wind power is now cheaper than dirtier,conventional power. on rooftops from arizona to new york, solar is saving americans tens ofmillions of dollars a year on their energy bills, and employs more americans than coal – in jobsthat pay better than average. we're taking steps to give homeowners the freedom to generateand store their own energy – something environmentalists and tea partiers have teamed up tosupport. meanwhile, we've cut our imports of foreign oil by nearly si_ty percent, and cut carbonpollution more than any other country on earth.

gas under two bucks a gallon ain't bad, either.

now we've got to accelerate the transition away from dirty energy. rather than subsidizethe past, we should invest in the future – especially in communities that rely on fossil fuels.that's why i'm going to push to change the way we manage our oil and coal resources, so thatthey better reflect the costs they impose on ta_payers and our planet. that way, we putmoney back into those communities and put tens of thousands of americans to work building a21st century transportation system.

none of this will happen overnight, and yes, there are plenty of entrenched interests whowant to protect the status quo. but the jobs we'll create, the money we'll save, and the planetwe'll preserve – that's the kind of future our kids and grandkids deserve.

climate change is just one of many issues where our security is linked to the rest of the world.and that's why the third big question we have to answer is how to keep america safe andstrong without either isolating ourselves or trying to nation-build everywhere there's a problem.

i told you earlier all the talk of america's economic decline is political hot air. well, so is all therhetoric you hear about our enemies getting stronger and america getting weaker. the unitedstates of america is the most powerful nation on earth. period. it's not even close. we spendmore on our military than the ne_t eight nations combined. our troops are the finest fightingforce in the history of the world. no nation dares to attack us or our allies because they knowthat's the path to ruin. surveys show our standing around the world is higher than when i waselected to this office, and when it comes to every important international issue, people of theworld do not look to beijing or moscow to lead – they call us.

as someone who begins every day with an intelligence briefing, i know this is a dangeroustime. but that's not because of diminished american strength or some looming superpower. intoday's world, we're threatened less by evil empires and more by failing states. the middle eastis going through a transformation that will play out for a generation, rooted in conflicts thatdate back millennia. economic headwinds blow from a chinese economy in transition. even astheir economy contracts, russia is pouring resources to prop up ukraine and syria – states theysee slipping away from their orbit. and the international system we built after world war ii isnow struggling to keep pace with this new reality.

it's up to us to help remake that system. and that means we have to set priorities.

priority number one is protecting the american people and going after terrorist networks. bothal qaeda and now isil pose a direct threat to our people, because in today's world, even ahandful of terrorists who place no value on human life, including their own, can do a lot ofdamage. they use the internet to poison the minds of individuals inside our country; theyundermine our allies.

but as we focus on destroying isil, over-the-top claims that this is world war iii just play intotheir hands. masses of fighters on the back of pickup trucks and twisted souls plotting inapartments or garages pose an enormous danger to civilians and must be stopped. but theydo not threaten our national e_istence. that's the story isil wants to tell; that's the kind ofpropaganda they use to recruit. we don't need to build them up to show that we're serious,nor do we need to push away vital allies in this fight by echoing the lie that isil isrepresentative of one of the world's largest religions. we just need to call them what they are– killers and fanatics who have to be rooted out, hunted down, and destroyed.

that's e_actly what we are doing. for more than a year, america has led a coalition of morethan 60 countries to cut off isil's financing, disrupt their plots, stop the flow of terroristfighters, and stamp out their vicious ideology. with nearly 10,000 air strikes, we are takingout their leadership, their oil, their training camps, and their weapons. we are training, arming,and supporting forces who are steadily reclaiming territory in iraq and syria.

if this congress is serious about winning this war, and wants to send a message to our troopsand the world, you should finally authorize the use of military force against isil. take a vote.but the american people should know that with or without congressional action, isil will learnthe same lessons as terrorists before them. if you doubt america's commitment – or mine – tosee that justice is done, ask osama bin laden. ask the leader of al qaeda in yemen, who wastaken out last year, or the perpetrator of the benghazi attacks, who sits in a prison cell. whenyou come after americans, we go after you. it may take time, but we have long memories, andour reach has no limit.

our foreign policy must be focused on the threat from isil and al qaeda, but it can't stopthere. for even without isil, instability will continue for decades in many parts of the world –in the middle east, in afghanistan and pakistan, in parts of central america, africa and asia.some of these places may become safe havens for new terrorist networks; others will fall victimto ethnic conflict, or famine, feeding the ne_t wave of refugees. the world will look to us tohelp solve these problems, and our answer needs to be more than tough talk or calls to carpetbomb civilians. that may work as a tv sound bite, but it doesn't pass muster on the worldstage.

we also can't try to take over and rebuild every country that falls into crisis. that's notleadership; that's a recipe for quagmire, spilling american blood and treasure that ultimatelyweakens us. it's the lesson of vietnam, of iraq – and we should have learned it by now.

fortunately, there's a smarter approach, a patient and disciplined strategy that uses everyelement of our national power. it says america will always act, alone if necessary, to protectour people and our allies; but on issues of global concern, we will mobilize the world to workwith us, and make sure other countries pull their own weight.

that's our approach to conflicts like syria, where we're partnering with local forces and leadinginternational efforts to help that broken society pursue a lasting peace.

that's why we built a global coalition, with sanctions and principled diplomacy, to prevent anuclear-armed iran. as we speak, iran has rolled back its nuclear program, shipped out itsuranium stockpile, and the world has avoided another war.

that's how we stopped the spread of ebola in west africa. our military, our doctors, and ourdevelopment workers set up the platform that allowed other countries to join us in stampingout that epidemic.

that's how we forged a trans-pacific partnership to open markets, protect workers and theenvironment, and advance american leadership in asia. it cuts 18,000 ta_es on products madein america, and supports more good jobs. with tpp, china doesn't set the rules in that region,we do. you want to show our strength in this century? approve this agreement. give us thetools to enforce it.

fifty years of isolating cuba had failed to promote democracy, setting us back in latinamerica. that's why we restored diplomatic relations, opened the door to travel andcommerce, and positioned ourselves to improve the lives of the cuban people. you want toconsolidate our leadership and credibility in the hemisphere? recognize that the cold waris over. lift the embargo.

american leadership in the 21st century is not a choice between ignoring the rest of the world –e_cept when we kill terrorists; or occupying and rebuilding whatever society is unraveling.leadership means a wise application of military power, and rallying the world behind causesthat are right. it means seeing our foreign assistance as part of our national security, notcharity. when we lead nearly 200 nations to the most ambitious agreement in history to fightclimate change – that helps vulnerable countries, but it also protects our children. when wehelp ukraine defend its democracy, or colombia resolve a decades-long war, thatstrengthens the international order we depend upon. when we help african countries feed theirpeople and care for the sick, that prevents the ne_t pandemic from reaching our shores. rightnow, we are on track to end the scourge of hiv/aids, and we have the capacity toaccomplish the same thing with malaria – something i'll be pushing this congress to fund thisyear.

that's strength. that's leadership. and that kind of leadership depends on the power of oure_ample. that is why i will keep working to shut down the prison at guantanamo: it'se_pensive, it's unnecessary, and it only serves as a recruitment brochure for our enemies.

that's why we need to reject any politics that targets people because of race or religion. thisisn't a matter of political correctness. it's a matter of understanding what makes us strong. theworld respects us not just for our arsenal; it respects us for our diversity and our opennessand the way we respect every faith. his holiness, pope francis, told this body from the very spoti stand tonight that “to imitate the hatred and violence of tyrants and murderers is the bestway to take their place.” when politicians insult muslims, when a mosque is vandalized, or a kidbullied, that doesn't make us safer. that's not telling it like it is. it's just wrong. it diminishesus in the eyes of the world. it makes it harder to achieve our goals. and it betrays who we areas a country.

“we the people.” our constitution begins with those three simple words, words we've come torecognize mean all the people, not just some; words that insist we rise and fall together. thatbrings me to the fourth, and maybe the most important thing i want to say tonight.

the future we want – opportunity and security for our families; a rising standard of living anda sustainable, peaceful planet for our kids – all that is within our reach. but it will only happenif we work together. it will only happen if we can have rational, constructive debates.

it will only happen if we fi_ our politics.

a better politics doesn't mean we have to agree on everything. this is a big country, withdifferent regions and attitudes and interests. that's one of our strengths, too. our foundersdistributed power between states and branches of government, and e_pected us to argue, justas they did, over the size and shape of government, over commerce and foreign relations, overthe meaning of liberty and the imperatives of security.

but democracy does require basic bonds of trust between its citizens. it doesn't work if wethink the people who disagree with us are all motivated by malice, or that our politicalopponents are unpatriotic. democracy grinds to a halt without a willingness to compromise;or when even basic facts are contested, and we listen only to those who agree with us. ourpublic life withers when only the most e_treme voices get attention. most of all, democracybreaks down when the average person feels their voice doesn't matter; that the system isrigged in favor of the rich or the powerful or some narrow interest.

too many americans feel that way right now. it's one of the few regrets of my presidency – thatthe rancor and suspicion between the parties has gotten worse instead of better. there's nodoubt a president with the gifts of lincoln or roosevelt might have better bridged the divide,and i guarantee i'll keep trying to be better so long as i hold this office.

but, my fellow americans, this cannot be my task – or any president's – alone. there are awhole lot of folks in this chamber who would like to see more cooperation, a more elevateddebate in washington, but feel trapped by the demands of getting elected. i know; you've toldme. and if we want a better politics, it's not enough to just change a congressman or a senatoror even a president; we have to change the system to reflect our better selves.

we have to end the practice of drawing our congressional districts so that politicians can picktheir voters, and not the other way around. we have to reduce the influence of money in ourpolitics, so that a handful of families and hidden interests can't bankroll our elections – and ifour e_isting approach to campaign finance can't pass muster in the courts, we need to worktogether to find a real solution. we've got to make voting easier, not harder, and modernizeit for the way we live now. and over the course of this year, i intend to travel the country topush for reforms that do.

but i can't do these things on my own. changes in our political process – in not just who getselected but how they get elected – that will only happen when the american people demand it.it will depend on you. that's what's meant by a government of, by, and for the people.

what i'm asking for is hard. it's easier to be cynical; to accept that change isn't possible, andpolitics is hopeless, and to believe that our voices and actions don't matter. but if we give upnow, then we forsake a better future. those with money and power will gain greater controlover the decisions that could send a young soldier to war, or allow another economic disaster,or roll back the equal rights and voting rights that generations of americans have fought, evendied, to secure. as frustration grows, there will be voices urging us to fall back into tribes, toscapegoat fellow citizens who don't look like us, or pray like us, or vote like we do, or share thesame background.

we can't afford to go down that path. it won't deliver the economy we want, or the security wewant, but most of all, it contradicts everything that makes us the envy of the world.

so, my fellow americans, whatever you may believe, whether you prefer one party or no party,our collective future depends on your willingness to uphold your obligations as a citizen. tovote. to speak out. to stand up for others, especially the weak, especially the vulnerable,knowing that each of us is only here because somebody, somewhere, stood up for us. to stayactive in our public life so it reflects the goodness and decency and optimism that i see in theamerican people every single day.

it won't be easy. our brand of democracy is hard. but i can promise that a year from now,when i no longer hold this office, i'll be right there with you as a citizen – inspired by thosevoices of fairness and vision, of grit and good humor and kindness that have helped americatravel so far. voices that help us see ourselves not first and foremost as black or white or asianor latino, not as gay or straight, immigrant or native born; not as democrats or republicans,but as americans first, bound by a common creed. voices dr. king believed would have the finalword – voices of unarmed truth and unconditional love.

they're out there, those voices. they don't get a lot of attention, nor do they seek it, but theyare busy doing the work this country needs doing.

i see them everywhere i travel in this incredible country of ours. i see you. i know you'rethere. you're the reason why i have such incredible confidence in our future. because i seeyour quiet, sturdy citizenship all the time.

i see it in the worker on the assembly line who clocked e_tra shifts to keep his company open,and the boss who pays him higher wages to keep him on board.

i see it in the dreamer who stays up late to finish her science project, and the teacher whocomes in early because he knows she might someday cure a disease.

i see it in the american who served his time, and dreams of starting over – and the businessowner who gives him that second chance. the protester determined to prove that justicematters, and the young cop walking the beat, treating everybody with respect, doing the brave,quiet work of keeping us safe.

i see it in the soldier who gives almost everything to save his brothers, the nurse who tends tohim ‘til he can run a marathon, and the community that lines up to cheer him on.

it's the son who finds the courage to come out as who he is, and the father whose love for thatson overrides everything he's been taught.

i see it in the elderly woman who will wait in line to cast her vote as long as she has to; thenew citizen who casts his for the first time; the volunteers at the polls who believe every voteshould count, because each of them in different ways know how much that precious right isworth.

that's the america i know. that's the country we love. clear-eyed. big-hearted. optimistic thatunarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word. that's what makes me so hopefulabout our future. because of you. i believe in you. that's why i stand here confident that thestate of our union is strong.

thank you, god bless you, and god bless the united states of america.

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