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ta(technical assistant)岗位,也被称为技术助理,是一个关键的技术支持角色,主要负责协助团队解决技术问题,确保项目的顺利进行。此岗位需要具备一定的技术专业知识和良好的沟通能力,以满足项目需求和团队协作。


1. 熟练掌握至少一种编程语言,如python、java或c ,以便于代码调试和优化。

2. 具备扎实的计算机科学基础知识,包括数据结构、算法和操作系统原理。

3. 熟悉软件开发流程,了解敏捷开发方法。

4. 具备优秀的分析和解决问题的能力,能迅速定位并修复技术故障。

5. 良好的沟通技巧,能有效与团队成员及利益相关者交流技术问题和解决方案。



1. 协助开发人员解决代码问题,进行代码审查,确保代码质量。

2. 参与系统测试,识别潜在问题,提出改进措施。

3. 维护和更新技术文档,确保信息准确无误。

4. 提供技术支持,解答团队成员的技术疑问。

5. 与项目管理团队协作,确保项目进度符合预期,及时报告技术风险。


1. 技术支持:为团队提供全天候的技术援助,包括编写脚本、配置环境、调试代码等。

2. 系统整合:协助集成各种软件组件,确保系统兼容性和稳定性。

3. 性能优化:分析系统性能瓶颈,提出优化建议,提升系统效率。

4. 培训与指导:分享技术知识,提高团队整体技术水平,推动技术知识的传承。

5. 持续学习:跟踪最新的技术趋势,将新技术引入到项目中,保持技术的前沿性。



第1篇 senior consultant - pmo (securities / funds)岗位职责描述岗位要求



- manage and drive the securities service or funds project e_ecution using kpmg’s programme management methodologies

- develop project structure and project work plan to effectively implement new set-up and ensure smooth change management process

- work closely with client and understand the business requirement / plan to effectively manage the stakeholders and properly leverage the interests of different parties

- co-ordinate the project meetings and workshops

- track and manage the statuses of project milestones and deliverables

- monitor and manage the project risk and issue

- co-ordinate the regular project / program level reporting

- manage and own the relevant project documentation

- work with the relevant internal teams / smes to understand and advise kpmg’s best practice / solutions to the client

e_perience / qualification

- candidates with the relevant fintech domain background is very preferred: eg. big data, cloud computing, ai, blockchain…etc.

- familiar with securities company’s business operating model by focusing in one or more of following areas: asset management, brokerage, research, proprietary trading, underwriting&sponsorship. relevant working e_perience from securities company or consulting company is preferred

- good understanding of security system architecture by focusing on one or more of following technology areas: trading application, asset management application, (funds) transfer agent (ta) application, user frontend platform...etc. project e_perience of security company’s core application implementation is preferred

- candidates with e_perience setting up new local security company in terms of regulatory fulfilment is very preferred

- 3-8 years’ e_perience in securities area and with 2-5 years’ project management e_perience

- e_ecuted at least 2-3 projects with client facing roles

- large scale program/project e_perience at securities company is a plus

- familiar with the project management tools

- good business analysis, problem solving and communication skills

- bachelor or master degree from it, finance or other relevant areas

- e_cellent verbal and written skills in english and mandarin

- fle_ibility to travel

第2篇 summer program consultant 游学顾问岗位职责要求



main responsibility including:

• responsible for all holiday program sales including telephone sale, direct sale

• meet the sales target for each product

• maintain client data base

• organize and participate in product promotion event

• help with product operation procedure if necessary

• help with all kind of visa application

• maintain and organize all relevant documents.

• travel with sc group being the group leader.


a successful candidate has:

· bachelor or master degree, prefer study abroad e_perience

· e_cellent communications skills in mandarin and english

· strong sense of sales, at least 2 years sales e_perience

· good at develop school channels

· advantage in overseas e_perience

· 本科或研究生学历

· 出色的中英文沟通能力

· 强烈的销售意识。至少1-2年在教育,留学领域的销售经验

· 有学校渠道优先考虑

· 有海外留学经历最佳

a successful candidate:

· well-organized

· has strong commitment to quality in everything he or she does

· is smart and professional in dress and appearance

· have a strong entrepreneurial spirit, with a mature and broad mind and detail oriented

· a creative and resourceful approach, good problem solving skills and a bright and energetic attitude

· 良好的组织协调能力

· 注重办事质量

· 对国际教育抱有热情

· 乐观,善于分清主次缓急

· 着装和仪表规范、整洁

· 具有开拓进取的企业家精神,心思缜密、思维开阔,关注细节

· 头脑灵活有创意,善于解决问题,办事积极

第3篇 销售经理courseconsultantmanager岗位职责

岗位职责: 1、负责全校学员招生工作,达成每月的招生指标和业绩指标; 2、负责所有招生相关流程优化,人员调配和关键指标的达成(约访人数,到场人数,转化率,平均合同金额等等); 3、负责顾问团队的人才招聘,在职培训,士气激励和绩效评估; 4、负责带领顾问团队电话预约家长带孩子到中心参观体验; 5、负责带来顾问团队为初次和长期到访家长,孩子的每次客户接待; 6、负责面对家长的课程咨询、签约、排班等相关工作; 7、负责顾问团队与学员家长的日常沟通,家长对励步服务的满意度; 8、负责保障家长取得所需的所有客户服务、协助教务部门建立良好的家长口碑; 9、与教务长紧密配合,推进在读家长续约和推荐其他学员; 10、在需要的时候代理执行中心校长的职责; 11、协助及参与中心/总部提供的各种在职培训; 12、协助当地的市场和各种学员活动,获取更多的潜在客户资源; 13、代表公司品牌形象,以始终维护励步的品牌美誉度和客户服务品质为己任。 任职要求: 1、本科以上学历,海外学历优先,教育或者mba,管理等相关学历优先; 2、5年以上顾问、销售、或培训等工作经验,其中一年以上管理经验; 3、优秀的最终用户销售经验; 4、优秀的领导团队能力; 5、充满活力、个性开朗、积极乐观; 6、优秀的沟通及演讲技巧; 7、愿意周末上班; 8、流利的普通话及良好的英语能力; 9、良好的国际化职业形象; 10、任职地工作经验优先; 11、有国际高端儿童教育或英语培训机构直接工作和管理经验者优先。

第4篇 data solution architect职位描述与岗位职责任职要求


taking bi technical presales role, providing oracle adw (oracle autonomic datawarehouse) solution, support the volumn cloud business in mainland china.


•5+ years of proven e_perience in design and development of data warehouse solutions, etl, software development and system integration projects.

•data migration in large and comple_ environments

•a technical, hands-on role for enterprise data warehousing and data integration initiatives.

•good e_perience in data modeling and data architecture.

•strong understanding of dw concepts / design and implementation.

•understanding of conceptual, logical, and physical data modeling.

•good understanding of service oriented architectures , application frameworks and system integration methods.

•e_perience of full lifecycle development projects.

•development e_perience with oracle database technologies, strong pl / sql skills.

•building of operational data stores ( ods ), data marts, enterprise data business and technical metadata management.

•data analysis and data model development ( i.e. logical and physical models )

•working knowledge of data quality management practices using commercially available tools.

•familiarity with data governance concepts and processes.

•enterprise data integration e_perience in leading eai / etl tools and olap tools.

•familiarity with master data management concepts.

•business intelligence e_pertise and technical skills to successfully deliver solutions.

•good communication skills and technical documentation)

•ability to organize prioritizes work, meet deadlines and work independently.

•ability to handle multiple projects and activities in a timely, organized manner

第5篇 marketingassistant/vp助理岗位职责职位要求


key areas of responsibility:

you will be responsible to provide administrative assistance and support to marketing vp and marketing team.

managing marketing vps calendar and appointment schedules;

arranging travel plans and itineraries for marketing vp;

preparing documents, spreadsheet, and presentation material as assigned;

recording meeting minutes;

making more comple_ calculations to accurately compile and report statistics;

supporting and coordinating marketing team with internal processes;

organizing department meetings & internal/e_ternal visitors.

required e_perience & skills:

bachelors degree required; major in marketing /business/ management is preferred.

quick learner and proactive goal-achiever.

attention to detail & e_cellence-pursuing.

ability to work under pressure and be able to prioritize multiple tasks.

thrive in a fast paced on-time deliverable environment.

strong communication skills to develop and build cooperative working relationship.

fluent in mandarin & english.

skilled in ms office software.






第6篇 51talk学习顾问/班主任岗位职责要求










第7篇 manager, data management, ita岗位职责要求



- 负责数据团队的数据架构设计等相关工作,保持与对外客户科技、业务等部门的持续沟通

- 属于数据分析技术团队,负责架构设计,解耦现有架构,优化技术体系

- 负责项目的整体技术积累和知识传递工作

- 基于数据驱动构协助客户建企业数据模型edw以及面向应用产品与分析的应用层模型设计

e_perience and skills

- 计算机、金融、经济、数学等相关专业本科、硕士研究生或博士研究生

- 5-10 年以上的bi/dw、 sql报表、控制面板等解决方案的架构设计与开发经验

- 精通edw, etl, olap, reporting等bi生产环节的基本原理及开发架构

- 熟悉数据仓库模型设计、数据治理方法论、数据管控平台产品、主流技术架构体系

- 至少精通cognos、biee、sap bo、tableau、qlikview等其中的一种开发技术

- 有edw(td、gp等)或hadoop、spark开源架构下的数据建模经验优先

- 个性开放,易沟通,良好的表达能力,责任心强,考虑问题细致,执行力强

- 能够独立工作并具有沟通技能以及以客户为中心的意识

- 有数据管控体系、指标、质量管理平台架构设计相关领域项目经验者优先

第8篇 data scientist 数据分析师职位描述与岗位职责任职要求

familiar with software quality, continuous integration (devops) and versioning

proficient in sql, familiar with sql optimization basic techniques, have used at least one large relational database such as oracle, db2, understand linu_, uni_ operating system

fluent in written and oral english

positive attitude, have ability to find and solve problem

pleasant personality, good interpersonal skills, self-motivated

good communication skills and able to work under pressure.

第9篇 cashmanagementanalyst岗位职责职位要求


job description:

• complete the new process transition and migration independently; document the operation procedures in standard format

• e-banking and manual payment processing, ensure pay on time

• maintain bank token and access, ensure sod of token hierarchy

• keep a close communication with business and work on issue resolution for business cases

• safeguarding important company certificates

• provide required documents to bank for manual payments/receipts including checks, bank drafts and f_ payments; maintain and update payment/collection for both rmb and foreign currency

• work closely with ap, ar, dtdf for f_/rmb payment and forecasting; propose actions for f_ conversion according to company policy; ensure timely delivery of hedge contracts

• provide high standard service to biz and ensure fully compliance on both internal and e_ternal regulation and policies

• cash pool management for transfers, daily cash pool balance transfer

• customer/vendor query follow-up

• document filing

• participation of projects on accounting and treasury system/process improvement and simplification

• support for internal or e_ternal audit by providing data and response to upstream team or auditors

• ad hoc tasks assigned by direct manager

job requirements:

• bachelor’s degree in accounting or finance

• responsible, prudent, hardworking and can pay attention to details

• good command of english in both written and oral and fluent in mandarin

• proficiency with ms office suite, including word, e_cel & powerpoint

• strong interpersonal& communication skills

• 1-3 years e_periences in cash and treasury operation related position

• knowledge in import/e_port processes & safe regulations

• good organizational and prioritization skills

• the ability to work independently with minimum supervision, a self-starter

• be able to deliver quality result within tight schedule with good sense of time management

• good team player with a positive outlook, can work under pressure

• can accept ot and business travel with remote distance








第10篇 assistant simulation engineer助理仿真工程师职位描述与岗位职责任职要求


job description:

1.hydrodynamic simulation with for combustion engine bearing system

2.finite element analysis for combustion engine bearing system

3.hydrodynamic simulation for tribology system

4.fea for tribology system

5.data post processing and reports writing

6.other tasks assigned by supervisor

job responsibilities:

1.bachelor degree and above, master degree is preferred

2.education background: mechanics, kinetics, dynamics, hydrodynamics, hydromechanics

3.knowledge of engine crankshaft system

4.e_perience of 3d drawings software, pro/e or similar software

5.e_perience of using avl e_cite or other similar software is preferable

6.e_perience of abaqus, hypermesh

7.2 years of simulation e_perience

第11篇 technical documentation engineer岗位职责描述岗位要求



1.create operational and maintenance instructions in the automotive industrys body construction facilities制作操作说明和维修保养手册

2.co-operation in the coordination of related documents with subcontractors


3.checking customer specifications and standards


4.support in the preparation of regular status messages


职位要求:1、studied technical editorial, mechanical engineering, automotive engineering or industrial engineering or further training as a technician or as a state-certified assistant for technical documentation


2、good knowledge of how to use ms-office


3、good knowledge of english




5、independent and structured way of working


6、ideally several years of professional e_perience in the industry of car body plants


7, german language is a plus


第12篇 data steward职位描述与岗位职责任职要求



wet the digital agenda to keep ikea leading in an uncertain and fast moving environment. we drive the development, provision and operation of our digital products and services through the use of new and e_isting technology and agile delivery methods todeliver at pace.

at the same time, we provide a home for digital skills to both develop and e_tend the technical, people and business skills needed to ensure continuous development and growth of our digital capability.ensure accurate, trusted and relevant data in systems, enabling the wider use of data throughout the organization implement standard operating procedures for data handling and archiving as part of overall data lifecycle management – ensuring that available data is fit for purpose support in operational implementation of data governance framework, including policies and guidelines, in data systems, working across teams and systems to secure flow of data

actively identify and solve data quality issues within and across data systems, working collaboratively with co-workers working with data in digital products and platforms

support and provide input into the implementation of policies, guidelines (including gdpr compliance), and requirements for data management and maintain data management plans and operating instructions for comple_ business systems and architectures support in securing data models in data systems


as a person you will ensure accurate, trusted and relevant information is available throughout the ikea value chain to bring added value for customers, co-workers and suppliers by e.g. developing rules and standards to help guide how and what data is collected.

to own lifecycle management of the data as well as being point of contact for questions regarding quality of the data.

knowledge of data management

knowledge of requirements from commonapplicable information policies, rules and legislation (e.g. gdpr)

understanding of the solution landscape in place in ikea

understanding of relationships and dependencies between information domains

understanding of potential impact of insufficient data quality

knowledge and insight of common quality issues and weaknesses within the scope of information

management and governance

knowledge of ikeas corporate identity, core values and vision of creating a better everyday

life for the many people

passionate about the possibilities of data, about high data quality and its value for business

第13篇 managing consultant steel/coal industry岗位职责描述岗位要求



as a steel/coal industry consultant, you will need to delve deep within your clients company and provide strategic solutions, as well as implement the optimization plan up to clients e_pectation.

client details

our client is one of the most famous consulting company, it has successful track record with many clients within fortune 500.


_ design and implement efficient and effective operation system that support client business strategies

_ balancing the tradeoffs of customer service levels, inventory deployment, network options, transport and distribution costs

_ help companies implement processes, applications, and enable strategies according to clients demands

_ build best practices of lean transformation, from shop floor improvements to fundamental changes in work processes and information and material flows.

_ analyze, design, and implement business performance approaches, develop tailor-made solutions and work closely with clients to ensure positive impact and sustainable results.

_ drive and support implementation of lean improvement activities on the shop floor and along the value stream;

_ improve the energy efficiency of manufacturing operations;

_ build and enhance quality systems;

_ build lean manufacturing capabilities in client organizations;

_ optimize global networks of manufacturing facilities.


_ bachelors or masters degree in engineering

_ 5-10 years of e_perience in the industry with knowledge of steel/coal manufacturing, operation, process, r&d, marketing and sales;

_ unique industry insights

_ teamwork ability, with successful track record of leadership

_ willing to trip internationally and nationally for long-term assignments

_ fluent english and mandarin

job offer

_ opportunity to turn theory into practice

_ shape strategies right through from inception to e_ecution


_5-10 years of e_perience in the industry with knowledge of steel/coal manufacturing, operation, process, r&d, marketing and sales;

_bachelors or masters degree in engineering

第14篇 sap fico consultant岗位职责描述岗位要求



1)handling sap fico case (trouble shooting ,enhancement ,fi_ and etc ) by differentprojects.

2)coaching junior member for sap knowledge and soft skill.

3)on-site support per project assignment

4)make sap proposal for specific project


1.familiar with fico module skill;

2.more than 6 years’ fico e_perience, at least 2 implementation project;

3. in-house e_perience or ams e_perience is preferred;

4.fluent english speaking;

5.willing to travel sometimes;

6.knowledge on ec-cs or bpc or e_perience in banking industry is preferable.

7. can work under pressure and be positive in team cooperation.

第15篇 consultant / senior consultant, strategy岗位职责要求


kpmgs global strategy group (kpmg strategy) is recruiting. we are seeking e_ceptional individuals who have a passion for identifying and creating solutions for clients.

kpmg strategy works with c-level e_ecutives to identify, structure and help solve their most critical strategic issues across the economic and transaction cycles. our solution propositions include:

- enterprise-wide transformation

- growth strategy

- deal strategy

- operating strategy & cost

at the start of your career with us, you can e_pect to become an integral part of a talent-driven, high performance culture. it is an e_citing time to join kpmg strategy as we are growing rapidly owing to our unique propositions and strength of client relationships.


- consultant

e_ecute assigned tasks within a workstream of moderate comple_ity with limited oversight

support project team in producing high quality output with clear and insightful messages

conduct insightful analysis using relevant strategy tools / frameworks

demonstrate an attitude for active listening and questioning

- senior consultant

in addition to the above:

design and run small projects or large workstreams with limited oversight

generate hypotheses and drive the storyboarding process

construct detailed financial / business models involving scenario and sensitivity analyses

provide timely feedback and coaching to other team members

develop rapport and working relationships with junior clients and maintain them outside of engagements

e_perience and background

- consultant (graduates / e_perienced hires with typically less than 2 years of work e_perience)

open to undergraduate / graduate students pursuing a degree-granting programme with e_pected graduation before december 2018

all academic majors with strong educational and professional backgrounds are welcome

previous professional (full time and/or internship) e_periences with boutique consultancies or strategy, business development or commercial teams within large corporations would be a big plus

demonstrate e_cellent written and oral communication skills in english, fluency in chinese mandarin is a must

demonstrate an analytical mindset, intellectual curiosity, structured thinking, and creativity

demonstrate confidence, people skills, ambition and pragmatism

degree from a leading institution

- senior consultant (e_perienced hires with typically 2-5 years of relevant work e_perience)

in addition to the above:

previous full time work e_perience in tier 1 & 2 strategy houses, local or boutique consultancy firms or strategy, business development or commercial teams within large corporations

evidence of leadership e_perience in a professional teamwork setting (e.g. coaching and mentoring junior colleagues, managing small teams in project e_ecution, etc.)

第16篇 知名汽车品牌- charging problem analysis & solving consultant岗位职责要求


job duties and responsibilities:

supporting projects of charging related road test, and establish communication with charging infrastructure operators& manufactures to solve charging issues.

planned for doing nev & charging relevant research and deliverables

information collection and organization

charging infrastructure supply base management:

- build up & maintain database of charging point operators, charging pole manufactures and installation service providers

- create & continually update black-white list of charging pole manufactures

problem solving of kpm tickets

- internal communication with relevant departments to understand charging issues

- communication with charging pole manufacturers to solve charging issues

- track the status of kpm tickets & create a tracking list

- put manufacturer’s feedback to kpm system

charging relevant test:

- charging infrastructure road test

- testing onboard and online navigation system and poi database for charging infrastructure and coordinating with related departments

- testing charging infrastructure poi database for app development

regular report of status of kpm tickets

requirement/basic qualifications:

- bachelors or masters degree

- majors in electronic technique, electrical engineering and relevant fields

- knowledge of nev & charging industry, and relevant work e_perience (> 1 years)

- test engineer e_perience is preferred

- e_perience with database, quality and user e_perience

- supply base management relevant knowledge and skills

- innovative thinking and creativity

- responsible and accountable for a project team and the tasks

- open minded and willing to learn new knowledge and new industry on job

- analytical thinking and self-reflection;

- ability to work under pressure and multitasking

- coordination and organizational capabilities mandatory

- strong verbal and written communication skills

- fluent in chinese and english,german is a plus

- integrity, team spirit, customer orientation, entrepreneurship, responsibility for safety.

第17篇 ita国际汉语教师协会招聘赴韩国国际汉语教师岗位职责


第18篇 parts ordering process assistant manager岗位职责描述岗位要求


summary of the role:

this position is responsible for dealer ordering related process (end to end )management and enhancement.utilizing the forecasts or actual sales provided from downstream or cross function, support to better byton service parts planning to optimise supply chain effiencny and customer satisfaction.


• dealer account and credit management along with processes & system initiated;

• dealer order management,optimise urgent & 3r orders. built tool to manage order close from start to end, coordinate cross-teams for quick solution;

• back order e_peiting and analysis;

• take reponsibile for dealer claim process, and ensure claim standards set up and operation completed on time;

• deep learn aftersales market and dealer behivious, cooperate within teams for promotion and other market activities;

• cooperate with quality team, headcounter and warranty to complete whole spo launch plan,and take lead for spo such as recall parts management;

• optimize spo following and control process;

• drive all related processes documented and systematized both;


education backgroud:

• bachelor’s degree. master’s degree preferred.


• minimum of 5 years relevant e_perience in anto industry and planning function

• process oriented

• fluent in spoken and written english

• multi-task ability

• good interpersonal skills

• computer literate and comfortable with technology

• presentation skills

• detail oriented

• customer focus

• performance improvement focus


• strong computer skills-word, e_cel, etc

• project management e_perience is desirable

• must have e_cellent communication skills and be able to work with cross functional groups

• ability to work in a fast paced environment where multi-tasking and dealing with changing priorities are necessary for success

第19篇 installation liaison engineer/安装联络工程师岗位职责描述岗位要求


职责描述:coordinate with fal installation engineer on-site at customers final assembly line factory about the ewis installation issue/在客户总装现场与总转安装人员协调总装安装阿题

identify the related engineering issue according to fal ewis installation issue/根据总装的安装题反馈来识别出和工程相关的问燃

provide and coordinate the engineering solution for fal ewis installation issues/针对总装安装阿题提供工程解决方案

coordinate with installation engineer about the solution validation/与总装安人员调工程解方案的确认

第20篇 店铺经理/助理店铺经理(assistant)store manage岗位职责描述岗位要求


job title: store manager/ assistant store manager


reports to: area manager


duties and responsibilities 主要岗位职责:

sales 销售

1. responsible for sales management and sales development of own store.


2. manage the business on a day to day basis by ma_imizing sales and achieving monthly targets.


3. perform various reports to provide sales analysis/forecast and suggest action plan to support the staff achieving targets.


4. prepare reports, as per management requests.


customer service客户服务

1. ensure that staff resolves customer complaints effectively.


2. lead and drive consistent customer service in store by role modeling desired behavior.


training and development 培训和员工发展

1. motivate and coach staff appropriately to ensure that respect of company procedures, values and team spirit are in line with corporate standards


2. supervise the training of the staff on company procedures, product knowledge, security and operations


3. identify training and development needs for the staff and give feedback to area manager / deputy area manager


after sales service 售后服务

1. ensure that after sales service is duly provided by all staff.


2. advice the store staff on after sales service procedure.


operations / housekeeping 运营/行政管理

1. handle administrative duties, daily reports and staff duty rosters.


2. ensure proper functioning of all sales support it systems.


3. ensure store is properly maintained.


4. conduct daily briefing.


merchandise / inventory control 商品/库存管理

1. manage healthy stock level and product mi_ to reflect sales and customer demands.


2. support merchandise transfer, stock take, inventory counts.


3. ensure safety and good condition of products.


4. ensure stock and back up storage are effectively managed in an organized manner.


visual merchandising 视觉陈列

1. ensure window and interior display changes pro-actively according to corporate guidelines, to feature various new products and create e_citement.


2. ensure store presentation meets brand requirement with proper visual and selling tools e.g. mirror, trays, gloves, display materials, packaging.


crm 客户关系管理

1. acquire, build and maintain key customer relationship with follow up calls and activities to drive repeat visit and build customer loyalty.


2. support the organization of in-store & promotional events, liaising with merchandising & pr team.


3. ensure proper customer data acquisition and management on the it system.





